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Strava Clubs Reports


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82 support issues

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Vibhakar Tyagi

Nov 17, 2024

Data fields not getting populated

Please help the data fields are all coming out as blanks in the reports for last 2 days.

Erin David

Nov 17, 2024

Strava Data Not Loading

Plug in has been working great, it's normally 36 hours behind on the correct date but today no data is coming through other than Athlete ID and Activity ID, all dates are the same, there's zero data in all other columns. Might be something going on with the back end? I have removed and reinstalled the plugin.

Víctor Fonollosa Navarro

Sep 17, 2024


Buenas, ya no funciona?

Angelo van Reenen

Jul 14, 2023

Date not pulling through properly

Good day. Recently the plugin does not extract dates properly. For example, the date would be June 12, 25 but the report shows it as a date in 1970. Please assist.

Angelo van Reenen

Jul 10, 2023

Date Extraction

Good day. Recently the plugin does not extract dates properly. For example, the date would be June 12, 25 but the report shows it as a date in 1970. Please assist.

Manjunath Boominathan

Jul 9, 2023

Bug with Run Type = "Unknown" and "Void" Activity Date Time

Hello ,

Why some of the activities has type = Unknown

If suppose the athlete start the Run activity at the same hour and to the same minute . Both the activities are extracted by the extension . However both the activities have Type = Unknown also the data said it's 1970/1/1 AM 8:00:00 . When extracted the date shows null in the CSV. Can this be rectified or atleast find out why the extension is behaving in this way.

Many thanks as usual the extensions does a perfect job for me.. Just these things are creating a bottle neck would be glad if this issue could be addressed. I have been using the extract for months and its only now I am facing these issues.

Mike Lamb

Jul 2, 2023

Dates and Elevation

Good Morning,

I have started trying to use your extension this morning, it is a great help for a running challenge we are just starting, most data is there and useable except elevation and also date is sporadically reported?


Jun 29, 2023

The data didn't update.

Hello! I try to report the club's activities but all of the data didn't show up except for the location and name. All of the data said it's 1970/1/1 AM 8:00:00.

Manjunath Boominathan

Jun 14, 2023

Why some of the activities has type = Unknown

If suppose the athlete start the Run activity at the same hour and to the same minute . Both the activities are extracted by the extension . However both the activities have Type = Unknown. Can this be rectified or atleast find out why the extension is behaving in this way. Many thanks as usual the extensions does a perfect job for me.. Just these small things would be glad if this issue could be addressed

Dovydas Stanaitis

Apr 18, 2023

Calories not showing up in the report

Hello. Most of the Calories data doesn't appear in the report. I've noticed that Calories are only showing up when this data is recorded with an external device (e.g. smartwatch) and transferred to Strava. Calories don't show up in the report when the activity is recorded on Strava's phone app. Can this be addressed in the next update?

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