Stickman pour Chrome - Chrome'i veebipood
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Stickman pour Chrome
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Jouez à Free Stickman pour Chrome en tant qu'extension Chrome - Vous pouvez également jouer sans internet, essayez-le maintenant !!

# Play more games on the top-left menu. Introducing "Sticky Men for Chrome" 📌 – Your Ultimate Sticky Note Companion! Tired of forgetting important tasks or losing track of essential information while browsing? Say goodbye to scattered notes and hello to organization perfection with Sticky Men for Chrome! 🚀 📝 Seamless Sticky Notes: Instantly create and customize sticky notes directly within your Chrome browser. Whether it's a quick reminder, important to-do, or inspirational idea, Sticky Men has got you covered. 🌈 Color-coded Brilliance: Bring vibrancy to your digital workspace! Choose from a spectrum of colors to categorize and prioritize your notes. Assign a specific color to each task or project for swift and visual reference. 🔄 Reposition with Ease: Simply drag and drop your sticky notes wherever you need them. Rearrange and organize effortlessly, adapting to your evolving workflow and ensuring your most crucial information is always at your fingertips. 🔍 Search Functionality: No more sifting through a sea of sticky notes! Use the powerful search feature to locate specific notes quickly. Stay focused and save valuable time as you effortlessly retrieve the information you need. 🌐 Sync Across Devices: Your notes, your way, everywhere! Enjoy the freedom of syncing your sticky notes across multiple devices, ensuring that important information is accessible whether you're on your computer, tablet, or mobile device. 🛠️ Customizable Preferences: Tailor Sticky Men to suit your preferences. Adjust settings such as font size, transparency, and default colors to create a personalized experience that complements your unique style. 🔄 Auto-Save Functionality: No need to worry about losing your notes – Sticky Men automatically saves your work as you go. Focus on your tasks without the fear of losing crucial information. Upgrade your browsing experience with Sticky Men for Chrome – the extension that turns your browser into a productivity powerhouse! 🚀✨ Stay organized, stay efficient, and let Sticky Men be your digital assistant on the web. Download now and transform your Chrome into a hub of productivity! 🌐✍️

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  • Versioon
  • Värskendatud
    22. jaanuar 2024
  • Suurus
  • Keeled
    38 keelt
  • Arendaja
  • Mittekaupleja
    See arendaja pole ennast kauplejaks määranud. Pange tähele, et Euroopa Liidu tarbijate puhul ei kehti tarbijaõigused teie ja selle arendaja vahelistele lepingutele.


Arendaja on avaldanud, et ei kogu ega kasuta teie andmeid. Lisateavet leiate arendaja privaatsuseeskirjadest.

See arendaja kinnitab, et teie andmeid:

  • ei müüda kolmandatele osapooltele väljaspool heakskiidetud kasutusjuhtumeid;
  • ei kasutata ega edastata eesmärkidel, mis pole seotud üksuse põhifunktsiooniga;
  • ei kasutata ega edastata krediidivõime väljaselgitamiseks ega laenu pakkumiseks.


Abi saamiseks seoses küsimuste, soovituste või probleemidega külastage arendaja tugisaiti.

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