Stickman Hook Officieel - Chrome Web Store
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Stickman Hook Officieel

4 beoordelingen

ExtensieGames142 gebruikers
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Speel Gratis Stickman Hook Amptelik as 'n Chrome-uitbreiding - Kan ook sonder internet speel, probeer dit nou!

# Play more games on the top-left menu. Introducing "Sticky Men for Chrome"! 🌟🔗 Tired of losing track of important websites or frequently visited pages? Say hello to Sticky Men, your adorable companion in the world of web browsing! 🚀💻 📌 Stay Organized: This Chrome extension lets you pin your favorite websites directly to your browser, keeping them easily accessible whenever you need them. No more digging through endless tabs! 🎨 Customizable and Cute: Personalize your browsing experience with cute and charming sticky men icons. Choose from a variety of adorable characters to add a touch of whimsy to your browser. 👀 Visual Reminders: Easily identify your pinned sites at a glance with eye-catching visuals. The Sticky Men icons serve as delightful reminders, making it a breeze to find your most important web destinations. 🔄 Sync Across Devices: Never lose your pinned sites, even when switching between devices. Enjoy seamless synchronization and access your favorite pages from anywhere with ease. 🛠️ Simple and Intuitive: Sticky Men is designed for effortless use. With a user-friendly interface, this extension makes organizing and navigating your favorite websites a breeze, whether you're a tech pro or a casual user. 🚀 Boost Productivity: Streamline your workflow and boost productivity by having instant access to your go-to websites. No more time wasted searching for that crucial tab! 🎮 Play More Games: Access a variety of games directly from the top-left menu, adding a fun and entertaining element to your browsing experience. Enjoy a break and boost your mood with our curated selection of games!

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  • Versie
  • Geüpdatet
    17 januari 2024
  • Grootte
  • Talen
    38 talen
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Geen handelaar
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  • Niet worden verkocht aan derden, behalve voor de goedgekeurde toepassingen
  • Niet worden gebruikt of overgedragen voor doeleinden die niet zijn gerelateerd aan de kernfunctionaliteit van het item
  • Niet worden gebruikt of overgedragen om de kredietwaardigheid te bepalen of voor doeleinden met betrekking tot leningen


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