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Steganos Password Manager

39 ratings


19 support issues

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Dan Avery

Nov 20, 2024

Must have Steganos Password to open Steganos.

I have used Steganos daily for years. Today I must enter a Steganos password to enter Steganos. All of my passwords are on Steganos!

Dan Avery

Nov 20, 2024

I use Steganos password all the time. I can't open it now without a Steganos password

I have used Steganos for years. This morning I tried to open Steganos and I had to enter a Steganos password. I've never had to use it and don't save passwords on anything other THAN Steganos!

Grzegorz Szulc

Jun 10, 2023

Nowa Licencja

Opłaciłem znowelizowaną licencję. Ale nic się nie zmienia. Nie mam tego Steganos Password Menager 22 czy nowszy. Choć zapłaciłem.

Oliver Pack

Feb 18, 2021

Formular ausfüllen funktioniert nicht mehr

Leider funktioniert seit einiger Zeit die Funktion "Formular ausfüllen" der Browsererweiterung nicht mehr.
Was kann das sein?

Chris Arnheim

Jan 25, 2021

Multiple problems with SPM 20

I have used SPM for over 10 years as a password manager and feel that is getting it is getting worse and worse. I'm looking for help to resolve current issues before I take the step of leaving for another supplier.
It is a major irritation that it takes 5 to 10 minutes to get from clicking on open keychain to the programme actually opening. It may be because I have keychain in the cloud but that is not really an excuse.
I also have problems when the programme is left open in the background that it closes itself when it is clicked on rather than opening.
I also have problems with entries going missing after I have entered them and saved this may be because the programme changes the keychain but I don't understand why it is happening. It is also frustration that the program can not fill in security questions or deal with a request for particular digits of the password.

Help with any of these issues will be appreciated

Sheila Cooksey

Nov 27, 2019

Crashes when Minimized

Password Manager 21 - Whenever I minimize this in windows 10 I can never maximise it again as the software crashes. To explain further, I have PM open but then I don't want it on my screen, nor do I want to close it, so I click the little Minimize icon top right and it removes itself to the Taskbar. When I try to bring it back up, nothing happens and the ONLY way I can get the software to work again is to close it in the Process (Ctrl/Alt/Delete)!!! This really is not good enough.

William Clark

Aug 28, 2019

program keeps crashing when i use it this is version 21 brand new. version 20 was great, you must have a problem. i'm running windows 10


Albrecht Frenzel

Jul 25, 2019

Programm stürzt nach 3 Sekunden ab

Programm stürzt nach 3 Sekunden ab. was soll ich machen?

Horst Wieduwilt

Feb 3, 2019

Mehrere Passworteinträge für einen Website-Account

Wie kann ich diese verwalten? (Löschen, Ändern etc.)
Bitte um schnelle Antwort.
PWM 20 scheint sehr fragil zu sein, da nützt auch das verbesserte Outfit nix.
Horst Wieduwilt

fricor Handy

Dec 4, 2018

Übernahme der Einträge werden am Handy nicht zu 100% übernommen, und Sonderzeichen wie <,> weden am Handy nicht angezeigt (funktionierte bei Stganos18)

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