跳过 YouTube 视频中的赞助广告、订阅提醒等片段。标记视频中的赞助广告来节约大家的时间。
Available on Firefox as well, visit my site: https://sponsor.ajay.app. SponsorBlock is an extension that will skip over sponsored segments of YouTube videos. SponsorBlock is a crowdsourced browser extension that let's anyone submit the start and end time's of sponsored segments of YouTube videos. Once one person submits this information, everyone else with this extension will skip right over the sponsored segment. This is open source and the entire database is public. With this extension, you will automatically skip YouTube sponsors. The extension also features and upvote/downvote system with a weighted random based distribution algorithm. More information about how it works: https://sponsor.ajay.app Source code: https://github.com/ajayyy/SponsorBlock Discord: https://discord.gg/QnmVMpU