18 support issues

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Yankee Daddy

Dec 26, 2024

Can you Update SplitCast, Chrome Store Says Is No Longer Supported

Can you Update, Chrome Store Says Is No Longer Supported

Joe Peterson

Mar 30, 2023

Youtube music playlist

Is there a way to get my Youtube music playlist to work on Splitcast? I'm trying to play my playlist that I have for work, however it gives me an "error occured" prompt. I believe it does the same for other music services, more particularly those that have a playlist. I'm a huge fan of your plugin, but can not seem to get it to work for particular background music services. Thank you!

Alejandro González García De Leon

Oct 14, 2021


actualizacion tiene varios errores con el edge y windows 11

Onur Silahsor

Jul 22, 2021

doesnt work

please do an update to fix this nice extension for work again..
says error on those
soundcloud.com hat die Verbindung abgelehnt.
www.tradingview.com hat die Verbindung abgelehnt.

Arnold Villeneuve

Mar 17, 2021

start launch SplitCast default view from a desktop shortcut

Is there a way to do this?
And can I get it to prompt the User to install and activate SplitCast if it is not installed?

Thank you.

Jibril Abdulkadir

Mar 15, 2021

connection error

when i go to a wbsite it says refused to connect. how do i fix it because it works in a reqular tab not splitcast

Calvin Mergen

Jan 29, 2021

Not Loading Page

not sure what would cause some pages to load and some not any ideas why this would not load? https://ctereports-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/ctecalvin_ctereports_onmicrosoft_com/EeqLmJxEDjtLtBQEA7zpRUgBfu6wiooal1lDghOZrWgYbg?e=B8saOI

VMI - do not use Switch channel

Nov 25, 2019


I would love to see the option to do columns as well as rows, so vertical split.

I would also like to see the option to have each website that is added to the "auto Change" given the option to change their show times for each website. Instead of 10 seconds for each, perhaps 30 for one screen etc.


Jul 18, 2019

Spotify and Google Play Music

Neither seem to work with this.


Jan 18, 2019

Dotted border on computer screen?

Hello, I use your amazing app mostly just to have fullscreen splitscreen. So even with the black background, there's always white-black dotted lines around both my tabs. Any way to make that dotted border fade after a while or allow it to be colored so the black could cover it? I'd be willing to pay you guys for this (not a lot, I'm a poor student, but something reasonable?)
Please let me know, thank you so much for making this!

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