Sparrow - Chrome Web Store
Tuotteen logokuva: Sparrow



4 arvostelua

LaajennusTyönkulku ja suunnittelu2 000 käyttäjää
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (1)


Ethereum-kukkaro selaimessasi

A Ubiq Wallet in your Browser Sparrow creates endless possibilities within the Ubiq network by providing access to Dapps within your Chrome browser. If you have used Metamask, Ubiq is proud to introduce you to its little sibling "Sparrow". The extension injects the Ubiq web3 API into every website's javascript context, so that dapps can read from the blockchain. Sparrow also lets the user create and manage their own identities (via private keys, local client wallet and hardware wallets like Trezor™), so when a Dapp wants to perform a transaction and write to the blockchain, the user gets a secure interface to review the transaction, before approving or rejecting it. Because it adds functionality to the normal browser context, Sparrow requires the permission to read and write to any webpage. You can always "view the source" of Sparrow the way you do any Chrome extension, or view the source code on Github: Enables access to: DeFi dweb Web 3.0 Dapps NFTs erc20 tokens ICOs erc271 ...and more!

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  • Versio
  • Päivitetty
    9. kesäkuuta 2022
  • Tekijä:
  • Koko
  • Kielet
    52 kieltä
  • Kehittäjä
  • Muu kuin elinkeinonharjoittaja
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