Sonic Origins Pocket Edition - Chrome'i veebipood
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Sonic Origins Pocket Edition

25 hinnangut

LaiendusMängud10 000 kasutajad
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Meediaüksuse ekraanipilt 1
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Do you like classic arcade games? then this sonic game is for you. Start playing!

Do you like classic arcade games? then this sonic game is for you. Start playing! Relive the classic collected adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Sonic CD in the Sonic Origins! From the iconic Green Hill Zone to the treacherous Death Egg Robot, you'll speed down memory lane to prevent the evil plans of Doctor Robotnik. This latest version involve new areas to explore and exclusive animations. How To Play : - Arrow Keys: Move - Z: Jump To swipe Install this extension to play the Sonic Origins Pocket Edition game or offline with no additional downloads and no ads. You can contact us at and share your thoughts and problems After clicking the add the game to chrome button, you can find the game in the extensions section. If you wish, you can visit If you wish, you can play again and if you want to remove it, you can remove it from the extensions section.

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