Sodiens Sākoties - Futbola Spēles - Google interneta veikals
Sodiens Sākoties - Futbola Spēles: vienuma logotipa attēls

Sodiens Sākoties - Futbola Spēles
PaplašinājumsSpēles487 lietotāji
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 1


Spēlējiet "Penalty Shooters" kā "Chrome" paplašinājumu - var arī spēlēt bez interneta, pamēģiniet tagad!

🥅⚽ Penalty Shooters is an enthralling soccer penalty shootout game that captures the high-stakes excitement of a soccer match’s concluding moments. Players alternate between the roles of the penalty kicker and the goalkeeper, aiming to outscore their opponent in a series of penalty shots. The game is celebrated for its intuitive gameplay, realistic physics, and the intense pressure of scoring the winning goal or making the crucial save. 🌟 How to Play The game is divided into rounds, with each player taking turns as the kicker and the goalkeeper. As the kicker, the goal is to score by tricking the goalkeeper and accurately aiming the shot. As the goalkeeper, the objective is to predict the kicker’s shot and make a save. The game often includes a tournament mode where players must advance through rounds to win the championship. 🏆 Game Controls Mouse Movement: Aim the kick when shooting; move the goalkeeper’s hands when defending. 🖱️ Mouse Click: Confirm the direction, height, and power of the kick. 🔵 # Play more games on the top-left menu.

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  • Versija
  • Atjaunināts
    2024. gada 28. februāris
  • Lielums
  • Valodas
    Valodu skaits: 38
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