Item logo image for Socialpeeks Influencer Analyzer

Socialpeeks Influencer Analyzer

8 ratings


5 support issues

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Stephen Cruz

Feb 26, 2022

Social Peeks app is not delivering accurate and current information on Instagram accounts

The Social Peeks app periodically gets stuck on a particular Instagram account and renders the information from that account, not the one that I'm currently examining. I'm running it as an extension on Google Chrome. Do you have any idea what the problem is and how to fix it?

Stephen Cruz

Feb 26, 2022

Social Peeks is not rendering accurate, current information

The Social Peeks app periodically gets stuck on a particular Instagram account and renders the information from that account, not the one that I'm currently examining. I'm running it as an extension on Google Chrome. Do you have any idea what the problem is and how to fix it?

Stephen Cruz

Feb 26, 2022

Problems with the Instagram account analyser tool

Hi when I check various Instagram accounts that I curated and gathered on a Google Sheets spreadsheets something strange happens. I go to my Instagram account on my desktop, input the Instagram handle and click on the account when it appears on the search list. I then go, click on the extension icon I have pinned to the top of my google chrome browser and your app opens up a window with the basic information I need: user engagement, average likes, average comments and number of users. Your app usually delivers the correct information, but every so often it gets "stuck" for lack of a better description , because it keeps on giving me the information of a particular account and not the one I'm currently examining. Do you have any idea what is going on ?

Muhammad Bilal Khan

Jul 20, 2021


Is this plugin free to use? Or are there any charges?

Ольга Трембовецкая

Dec 24, 2020

Как удалить учетную запись?

Зарегистрировалась через фейсбук, теперь хочу удалить учетную запись. Но нигде об этом не написано. Как это сделать?

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