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Snippet Highlighter - Web & PDF

134 ratings

ExtensionEducation20,000 users

10 support issues

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Expert In statu nascendi

Dec 10, 2024

severe problems with the extensions [opera, chrome]

do not work anymore

Jorge Simarro Villar

Dec 14, 2021

No updates since march


Is this product discontinued?

Thank you.

Rissa Johnson

Oct 15, 2020

Delete all button

the main use i have for this is when working on a paper to get all my sources in one spot then categorize what paragraph i will put them in based on color. at the end of my paper though i need to remove all my snippets to prepare for the next paper. A delete all button would be nice even if it is a bit buried so people do not accidentally delete everything.

this is a fantastic application. big fan


Jul 26, 2020

Feature Request: Option to only show snippets from current page.

I am using snippet in some presentations and would like the option to only show snippets on the current page in the side fly-out snippet menu. Currently, this always also shows "recent snippets" below the snippets on the current page, and i can't find a way to disable this. It is distracting and makes it harder to use the fly out menu to jump between quotes on the current page without my class noticing the completely unrelated snippets display below them.


Julzy Bee

Jun 21, 2020

Will NOT recognize that I am a PRO version member!

I am quite annoyed that I paid to get the pro version of Snippet and it keeps giving me a message that I must have the PRO version whenever I try to utilize the PRO features, such as using folders, tags, or collecting images. PLEASE HELP! I really do not wish to request a refund. I would rather just have my issues resolved in this matter. Thanks.

Orkydea 1

Jun 17, 2020

Kiwi browser for android

Once installed, the snippet button does not appear in the toolbar

Your mom

Dec 23, 2019

Syncing issues

The highlights do not sync well between my devices.

Neezer Gu

Dec 22, 2019

Search problem

I don't know why but it can't search:
1. Part of word, for example: I want search browser(s), but I can only search browser or browsers.
2. Chinese

And it looks like use some rules for search, for example, can't search if, for.
Could you please add global search without any rules(support chinese more better), even if only for pro user.

elsa kolln

Dec 17, 2019

se bloqueo el celular .tanto huella digital como clave


B. C. Green

Jul 17, 2019

Note-Taking Improvements

Add listing and font formatting to the Note feature. Currently you can't make lists so everything looks jammed up, which is not useful for studying.

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