Snap Color Picker - Kedai Web Chrome
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Snap Color Picker

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Choose Your Colors in a Snap with Snap Color Picker - The Ultimate Design Tool for Creatives!

Introducing Snap Color Picker - the ultimate design tool for creatives! With this powerful browser extension, you can easily choose your colors in a snap, saving you time and effort on every project. Here are some of the amazing features you can expect from Snap Color Picker: - Quick and easy color selection: Say goodbye to the hassle of manually selecting colors. With Snap Color Picker, you can simply hover over any element on a website and instantly see its color. - Seamless integration: Snap Color Picker seamlessly integrates with your favorite design tools, including Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, and more. This means you can easily transfer your selected colors to your preferred design software. - Color formats supported: Snap Color Picker supports a variety of color formats, including HEX, RGB, HSV, and CSS. This means you can select colors in the format that's most convenient for you. - Color history: Keep track of all the colors you've selected with Snap Color Picker. This feature makes it easy to revisit previous projects and maintain consistency across your designs. - User-friendly interface: Snap Color Picker is designed with user experience in mind. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to use for designers of all levels. - Keyboard shortcut: Snap Color Picker also includes a handy keyboard shortcut - Alt+P - to quickly open and close the color picker window. Experience the power of Snap Color Picker for yourself and take your design projects to the next level. Try it today!

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  • Versi
  • Dikemas kini
    14 Disember 2023
  • Ditawarkan oleh
    Cecilia Gilbert
  • Saiz
  • Bahasa
    54 bahasa
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