Snake Hole Game - Chrome веб-продавница
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Snake Hole Game

ДодатакИгре1 корисник
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана


Snake Hole Game for Chrome™ version! Now you can play Snake game on your Browser! Popup and Offline!

Snake Hole for Chrome Extension is an engaging and challenging physics and logic puzzle platformer inspired by Snake games. You can play it for free on the website In this game, you control a worm and navigate it through various stages filled with obstacles and puzzles. Your goal is to avoid spikes and prevent the worm from falling off the platforms. To progress, you need to strategically push boxes to create paths that allow the worm to move across the stage. Additionally, eating apples will make your worm grow longer. Each stage features intricate puzzles that require a combination of logic and precise movements. You must carefully plan your actions to overcome obstacles, reach the glowing hole, and advance to the next stage. Beating each stage provides a sense of accomplishment and unlocks new challenges. "Snake Hole" offers a unique twist on the classic Snake game by incorporating platformer elements and puzzle-solving mechanics. It tests your problem-solving skills, agility, and ability to strategize. With its captivating gameplay and increasing difficulty, the game provides hours of entertainment and brain-teasing fun. To play "Snake Hole," simply visit the website using your web browser. Immerse yourself in this physics and logic puzzle platformer, maneuver your worm, solve puzzles, and conquer each stage. Enjoy the game and strive to beat all the challenges it presents!

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  • Верзија
  • Ажурирано
    31. март 2024.
  • Величина
  • Језици
    53 језика
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