Smart Internet Porn Filter from vRate - Интернет-магазин Chrome
Smart Internet Porn Filter from vRate: изображение логотипа

Smart Internet Porn Filter from vRate

60 оценок

РасширениеРабота и планирование3 000 пользователей
Скриншот: 3
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Скриншот: 3
Скриншот: 4


Intelligently blocks adult/pornographic content by applying artificial intelligence to analyze images on every page

🚧 IMPORTANT NOTICE This is a new version of the extension in compliance with the recently announced Chrome Web Store (CWS) Payment Deprecation Schedule ⇢ After the one week free trial, you can subscribe to the extension directly on our app. For existing users, we extend the purchase to a full year complimentary subscription. vRate Extension is a smart internet content blocker that filters adult and racy visual elements by analyzing images on a web page leveraging the latest advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The extension gathers information about images on every page and send it to Masala.AI's high performance content rating API to identify and rate offensive content. All this happens at near real time to give you an un-interrupted browsing experience while keeping the internet safe for your children. The smart filter replaces any images containing explicit nudity as well as images with racy content including revealing clothing and provocative poses. The sensitivity for the blocking behavior, including adult vs. racy content can be controlled in the settings page. The extension also blocks images in popular search engines including Google, Bing for further safety in search sessions. ❅ The extension is now only available for a nominal one time fee after your free trial period, to be able to cover the ongoing development & support costs. ❅ Please note that the extension or the supporting Media Rating API technology does not store, record or analyze your personal data. The extension operates by intercepting images prior to loading in Chrome. The intercepted images are analyzed in the cloud. Only publicly accessible URLs of images are sent to the Media Rating APIs. ❅ If you would want to cancel your subscription and/or remove the extension . Please refer to the user guide in the extension's popup page. ❅ If you have purchased the product before 05/18/2021, you are eligible for 1 year free subscription and requires no cancellation. ❅ For any issues additional inquiries or refund requests, feel free to contact vRate Support at - PRIVACY POLICY Our Privacy Policy is located at TERMS OF USE Our Terms of Use is located at Users may occasionally see slower loading times of websites due to traffic on the cloud. This is normal behavior and should automatically correct, however, if for any reason you believe the requests are being blocked for an abnormally long time, disabling & re-enabling the extension through the Chrome Extensions page should resolve the problem quickly. While we apply the state-of-the-art in artificial intelligence(AI) to deliver this service, current advancements are still short of comparable human accuracy. However, we believe that these are first steps towards the application of AI and image analysis to keep the internet safe for our children. In the fast changing internet of today, traditional techniques used by current internet filters are always a step behind. This is because static blacklists need to be constantly updated. Additionally seemingly innocuous websites like social networks, media sharing platforms, mixed-use websites, that are generally not blocked by blacklists also end up serving content that are sometimes not appropriate for children. The vRate smart filter overcomes this problem by applying the same intelligent rules to every web page page that it sees. Further, the Blacklists & Whitelists offered by the extension allows users to customize the filtering behavior by selectively specifying sites to block or allow, which overrides the default functionality. DISCLOSURE vRate applies the latest advancements in artificial intelligence to automatically determine obscene content without any manual intervention. However, like all services that depend on artificial intelligence, there is always a chance of error associated with the final determination made by the computer system. The current error rate ranges from 4% to 15% and is largely dependent on the quality of the image and context. Additionally, vRate applies several other rules to identify inappropriate content to ensure the maximum possible accuracy, but there is no guarantee of 100% accuracy and the possibilities of errors exist. vRate browser extension currently analyzes only images and replaces inappropriate ones with a warning image. A wide range of image formats are supported, but streaming videos, flash content, display ads and other media content that do not render as a supported image are not analyzed and will be displayed as is. Feature requests or issues can be reported at By the use of this extension, you agree that you have read this disclosure and Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy documentation.

4,4 из 560 оценок

Google не проверяет отзывы. Подробнее о результатах и отзывах…

Фото профиля пользователя, опубликовавшего отзыв

Global Dev21 июл. 2022 г.

Пока-что это лучшее, с чем я сталкивался. Я думал она не сможет бороться с картинками, и другими элементами, но нет, она блокирует то, что необходимо. Это легендарное расширение, я не знаю как еще выразить свою благодарность разработчикам этого шедевра.

Фото профиля пользователя, опубликовавшего отзыв

Sergey я11 окт. 2019 г.

Лучшее из подобных.

1 человек посчитал этот отзыв полезным
Фото профиля пользователя, опубликовавшего отзыв

Sunshine9 апр. 2019 г.

Красиво работает! Ничего лишнего не пропускает :)))) Разработчики молодцы! Спасибо!

Считают полезным: 2 из 2


  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    19 сентября 2023 г.
  • Возможности
    Есть платный контент.
  • Размер
  • Языки
  • Разработчик
    Электронная почта
  • Не продавец
    Разработчик не указал для себя статус продавца. Просим клиентов из Европейского союза обратить внимание, что на сделки между вами и этим разработчиком не распространяются законы о защите прав потребителей.


Разработчик "Smart Internet Porn Filter from vRate" предоставил указанные ниже сведения о сборе и использовании ваших данных. Подробную информацию вы найдете в политике конфиденциальности разработчика.

В продукте "Smart Internet Porn Filter from vRate" обрабатываются следующие типы данных:

Информация, позволяющая идентифицировать личность
Данные для аутентификации
Данные о местоположении
История веб-поиска
Действия пользователей
Содержимое сайтов

Этот разработчик утверждает, что ваши данные:

  • Не продаются третьим лицам, за исключением разрешенных вариантов использования
  • Не используются и не передаются в целях, не связанных с работой основных функций продукта
  • Не используются и не передаются для определения платежеспособности или в целях кредитования


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