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Aitor Rosell Torralba

Nov 23, 2018

This extension blocks some functions of twitter

When you click on twitter a notification for example, a small "box" is created and the background obfuscated that shows the content of that notification, that would be the normal behavior, but whit your extension, and yes, only your extension, i had been through disabling all extensions and testing one by one which one was causing the problem, whit your extension the background is obfuscated but no "box" appears, and no notification can be read because the notification is inside that "box"
after meddiling whit the dev tools i found that whit your extension, a css is injected that affectas the div of that box, the class of the div in question is "GenericNotificationDialog-modal modal is-autoPosition" and the css injected is "
.modal {
display: none;
position: fixed;
z-index: 999;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
overflow: auto;
and what is causing the box to not appear is the "display: none;" part, for obvious reasons, it tells chrome to not display that element, the problem is that this not only blocks the notifications, for example, changing the profile photo, or even twitting to someone is imposible, a grand part of those "boxes" whit obfuscated background of twitter are bugged because your extension, and is not only twitter, other websites present the same behavior.

A Chrome Web Store user

Dec 25, 2016


"An error has occurred
Package is invalid. Details: 'Could not decode image: 'icon-enabled.png''."

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