Sky Heroes Z Action Game Online - Chrome Web Store
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Sky Heroes Z Action Game Online

1 Bewertung

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Sie müssen die feindlichen Flugzeuge, die mit Ihrem Kampfflugzeug auf Sie zukommen, zerstören und Punkte sammeln.

Airplane games have always been met with great interest, especially for young players. Challenging the dangers that come with planes soaring in the sky is very exciting for many. Sky Heroes Z is one of the best games of this kind. Are you ready to step into the action-packed world of warplanes, especially with 2D graphics? Sky Heroes Z is not just a simple plane game. This is truly a fighter plane game experience. In the game, you aim for the highest score by destroying the enemy planes that you come across. However, it is not limited to this; You have the chance to challenge against even more challenging enemies. After destroying enemy warplanes for a while, you encounter stronger and more durable boss planes. These boss fighters are much more powerful than ordinary enemy planes. They have more health and more powerful attacks. However, that doesn't mean you can't destroy them. With your quick reflexes, you can dodge incoming shots and destroy the boss plane by making strategic moves against it. In Sky Heroes Z game, you have to manage not only warplanes, but also your energy and health bar. When you destroy boss planes, their energy and health bars drop. By collecting these valuable items, you can stay in the game longer and reach high scores. How To Play It is played with the mouse. Sky Heroes Z Action Game Features ✓ Infinity Level ✓ Easy use control ✓ HD Graphics ✓ Quality Particle Sky Heroes Z Action Game extension does not contain any hidden ads. In this way, you can fully experience the game and have a pleasant time. This game with great graphics has been designed for you with every detail in mind. Help and Contact Contact with us at and share your thoughts and problems.

5 von 51 Bewertung

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    1. September 2023
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    44 Sprachen
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