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May 10, 2019

panel doesn't work on mac

please fix it

A Chrome Web Store user

Jan 11, 2016

Secondary Monitor

Can you get the panel on your secondary monitor and still be able to keep it on top of other windows?

Caleb Willden

Feb 18, 2014

Source Code

I was wondering if you would be open to sharing the code for this extension, as I'd like to make my own panelized extensions, but I'm not quite sure how to from scratch. I would give you full credit if you would like.


Caleb Willden

Feb 5, 2014

New Logo

A new extension logo would be nice to have. I often hide the extension button, since it really doesn't fit the sleek style of my other extensions. That probably sounds kind of silly, though, but just a thought.

r w

Nov 29, 2013


sound wonderful, but they can't be on top inside Chrome. It's just a normal window

Pavel Ivanov

Oct 18, 2013

Dosnt work

win7 prof - ignore install button - stopping on prepearing

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