Simple = Select + Search - Chrome Web Store
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Simple = Select + Search

223 beoordelingen

ExtensieTools20.000 gebruikers
Screenshot 4 voor itemmedia
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Screenshot 1 voor itemmedia
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Screenshot 3 voor itemmedia
Screenshot 4 voor itemmedia
Screenshot 5 voor itemmedia
Screenshot 1 voor itemmedia
Screenshot 2 voor itemmedia
Screenshot 1 voor itemmedia
Screenshot 2 voor itemmedia
Screenshot 3 voor itemmedia
Screenshot 4 voor itemmedia
Screenshot 5 voor itemmedia


Klik met rechts op de tekst om met meerdere zoekmachines te zoeken in Chrome. Ondersteunt grouping engines, incongito, en meer.

It's simple: select some text, right click, and search on your preferred search engines. Configuring your search engines is very easy! These are some of the featured search engines (you can add any other you might like): Amazon, BBC, Bing, btjunkie, Chrome Extensions, CNN, CodePlex, DeviantArt, DMOZ, Facebook, Gmail, Google Docs, Google Images, Google Translate En/Es, Google Translate En/It, Google Translate En/Pt GrooveShark, IMDB, jQuery plugins,, OpenSubtitles, Pandora, Rotten Tomatoes, stackoverflow, Tokyo Tosho, TPB, Twitter, Urban Dictionary, Wikipedia, Wikipedia ES, Word Reference En/Es, Word Reference En/It, Youtube. I'ts my first public extension. I hope you like it. New on v 0.2.2 - fixed import bug - added 3 new search engines - right hand menu displays current version New on v 0.2.1 - fixed two bugs: - now multiple %s on the same url are replaced - something went wrong with the contextual menu when editing some properties... it seems to be fine now. New on v 0.2 - Updated to manifest version 2.0 - Fixed a few bugs, most importantly: - Search menu went bananas after a while. - New tab focus not working properly. - Added localization support. Spanish translation now available. - and some more stuff... please visit my blog for the complete list. New on v - Improvements to the Search Engines list on the options page - Fixed bug when after updating, becaused of cached files, a message would appear saying you were using an older version New on v - Updates to the options page look & feel - Minor code improvements New on v - Added the "Search on all!" feature - Improved some code. - Provided new an exiting ways to support me ;) New on v - Fixed a bug introduced on 0.1.7 where all the Search Strings where transformed to lowercase (Thanks Keith!) New on v 0.1.7 - Added "New tab position" parameter: You can now select where you want your new tabs to open (Thanks Damien, I know this doesn't work exactly as you wanted, but it's something). - Fixed little bug on "Featured Search Engines" list, where some search engines wouldn't work. - %s on search URL now supports %S (Thanks Ahmed!) - Fixed typo on Help (thanks Theodor!) - Using "Open sans" as a default font for options -nicer, right?-. - Added Update notification - New Donate button... I hope you like it :) New on 0.1.6 On this release, a lot changed under the hood. There's little change on the end-user features but the code is much more cleaner so I'll find it much more easy to make future improvements. New features: - Can configure new tabs to open on background - Import/Export feature on options page - Can opt out from analytics tracking (check the options page or my blog for more reference) New on 0.1.5 - Simplified options interface: no more Save options button. Everything is saved as soon as you change it. - Now if you only use one Search Engine, the link will show as a parent on the Right-click menu - Fixed some minor options bugs (check ToDo list) - Reduced extension size by 20% by removing unnecessary plugins (who cares!! :) New on - you can now sort your list :) - removed the "upload" button... now just double-click on a listed URL to send it to your list. - changed the default search engines Please, be warned: the usage of this extension is being tracked by Google Analytics. It also tracks which search engines are the most used by users, so I can then be able to add them to the featured Search Engines list. The extension does not track the identity of its user, nor what terms they're looking for. Only the search URL syntax is being recorded. This information won't be shared with third parties.

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  • Versie
  • Geüpdatet
    24 april 2024
  • Grootte
  • Talen
    23 talen
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Geen handelaar
    Deze ontwikkelaar heeft zichzelf niet geïdentificeerd als handelaar. Voor consumenten in de Europese Unie geldt dat consumentenrechten niet van toepassing zijn op contracten tussen jou en deze ontwikkelaar.


Simple = Select + Search heeft de volgende informatie geleverd over de verzameling en het gebruik van je gegevens. Je vindt gedetailleerdere informatie in het privacybeleid van de ontwikkelaar.

Simple = Select + Search regelt het volgende:


Deze ontwikkelaar verklaart dat je gegevens:

  • Niet worden verkocht aan derden, behalve voor de goedgekeurde toepassingen
  • Niet worden gebruikt of overgedragen voor doeleinden die niet zijn gerelateerd aan de kernfunctionaliteit van het item
  • Niet worden gebruikt of overgedragen om de kredietwaardigheid te bepalen of voor doeleinden met betrekking tot leningen


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