Similarweb - Website Traffic & SEO Checker
Instant website analysis and SEO metrics at your fingertips.
The Similarweb traffic analytics and keyword checker gives you the data to boost your SEO and marketing strategy through competitor analysis. Boost your SEO and digital marketing strategy with key metrics, including: - Visits Over Time - Top keywords - Traffic sources - Website ranking - Traffic by Geo FEATURES: 📈 Visits Over Time Reveal how many visits a website receives over time, its bounce rate, the number of pages visited per session, the number of monthly website visits, and a user’s average duration. 🔑 Top Keywords Explore the top-performing keywords for any website. 🥇 Website Rank Understand where a website ranks globally, in a particular country, and within its category. 🌎 Geography Explore the top countries driving traffic, and see the percentage of visits from each country. 🚦 Traffic Sources Discover where your competitors’ traffic is coming from, including direct, search, email, social, referrals, and display ads. The Similarweb website analytics and keyword finder is the ideal tool for website owners, marketers, and SEO professionals who want to monitor website ranking, analyze website traffic, and gain insights into their competitors' websites. Visit our website to learn more about our powerful digital intelligence solutions: Download the website ranking and keyword extension today for in-depth insights on every website. Download the extension today for in-depth insights on every website. The Similarweb extension provides you with website rankings as well as many other metrics. Before you can start using the extension, you’ll need to approve the collection of anonymized clickstream data, including All Hosts, WebRequest, WebRequestBlocking, Web Navigation, tabs, and storage. Data is collected on the domains that you browse. For more information regarding our data collection, we urge you to review our privacy policy before installing our add-on, available here:
- Verzia6.12.3
- Aktualizované20. novembra 2024
- Veľkosť1.19MiB
- JazykyEnglish
- VývojárWebové stránky
E-mail - Neobchodný subjektTento vývojár sa neidentifikoval ako obchodník. Upozorňujeme, že práva spotrebiteľov v Európskej únii sa nevzťahujú na zmluvy uzavreté medzi vami a týmto vývojárom.
Ochrana súkromia
V súvislosti so zhromažďovaním a používaním vašich údajov zverejnil vývojár položky Similarweb - Website Traffic & SEO Checker nasledujúce informácie. Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete v jeho pravidlách ochrany súkromia.
Similarweb - Website Traffic & SEO Checker spracúva:
Tento vývojár vyhlasuje, že vaše údaje:
- sa nepredávajú tretím stranám mimo schválených prípadov použitia,
- sa nepoužívajú ani neprevádzajú na účely, ktoré nesúvisia so základnou funkciou položky,
- sa nepoužívajú ani neprevádzajú na zisťovanie úverovej bonity ani na účely poskytovania úverov.