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Christian Kaesbach
Aug 25, 2023
Zoho Checkout missing
Love your extention, use it every day and couldn't miss it. There is one Zoho app missing, which is Zoho Checkout, a part of the finance apps. Would be great if you could add it in. Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Christian K.
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Andrew Long
May 12, 2023
Been using this for a few years - great
Today it said the extension was corrupt, did i want to repair it. Tried this didn;t work, i've tried reinstalling it, and it says download was corrupt. Multiple times unable to install
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Feb 25, 2021
being able to edit the list
Some user do not use all the software so why not give the option to personalize the dropdown menu. It would be even quicker to access the core apps we use.
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Christian Dube-Rousseau
Sep 22, 2020
Wrong link to Zoho Meeting
Is there a way to update the link of one of my app. It seems to point to "trial" instead of my app. Thanks
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Rico Stapel
Jun 1, 2020
Port to Firefox
Hi, any chance of porting the extension to firefox? Use it every day but would love to change browsers.
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Rico Stapel
May 5, 2020
Add Workdrive link and make searchable
Could you please add Zoho Work Drive and make the extension searchable please? Would be great to click and then just type the first few letters of the program. Point and click takes to long to find the right program. - Thank you.
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Michael Heitland
Feb 9, 2020
Its missing a few apps. Any chance on an update?
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Lars Krüger
Apr 11, 2019
Great Work
I use this extension daily
Is it possible that you add the new App Marketing App und update the App Icons e.g. Survey etc.
Thank you so much for this add on!
Best Regards
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A Chrome Web Store user
Dec 4, 2018
Update links
Hello, thanks for this very useful extension. Most the apps seem to load just fine, but I noticed that with others like CRM, it goes to the sales landing page instead of the actual CRM app. Could you please update it and others that go to sales pages instead of the app?
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Frank Galea
Sep 14, 2018
I've added new apps, they don't appear
Is there a way to refresh the set of Zoho apps so that it will catch additional apps I have added since first getting the plugin?
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