Shopee Image Download Expert
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Shopee Image Download Expert


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Save Shopee images fast with our one-click downloader; high-resolution, intuitive interface, and bulk download capability.

The Shopee Images Downloader Browser extension is here to revolutionize the way you download images. Effortlessly download high-resolution images from product listings with just a single click. This extension is the perfect tool for anyone looking to quickly and easily gather images for design projects, printing, archiving, or even casual browsing. Key Features: - One-Click Download: You can obtain all the images associated with a product instantly. - Bulk Download Options: Choose to download images individually or zip them together for a convenient bulk download. - User-Friendly: No technical or coding skills are needed to use this extension. It’s designed to be intuitive and straightforward for all users. - High-Quality Images: The extension ensures that you get the best quality product photos for your needs. How It Works: 1. Navigate to your desired product page on 2. Locate the “download icon” positioned at the top right of the product listing images. 3. Click on the icon, and a popup window will appear, showcasing all the product listing images. 4. You can then proceed to download the images either one by one or in a zip file for bulk saving. Who Can Benefit from Shopee Images Downloader? Whether you're a casual shopper, a shop owner, or a power user, this Browser extension is crafted to enhance your experience. It's a simple yet powerful tool that brings Shopee images to your desktop with unparalleled ease. Get Started Now Embrace the simplicity of downloading product images. Add this extension to your browser today and start downloading what you need without the hassle. Data Privacy Your data stays on your device and is not stored or transmitted to our servers. We prioritize keeping your information secure and confidential. Disclaimer This independent project was developed by ExtensionBox and has no relationship to Shopee Inc.

5 daripada 55 rating

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  • Versi
  • Dikemas kini
    2 Februari 2024
  • Saiz
  • Bahasa
    54 bahasa
  • Pembangun
    Laman Web
  • Bukan pedagang
    Pembangun ini masih belum mengenal pasti dirinya sebagai pedagang. Untuk pengguna dalam Kesatuan Eropah, harap maklum bahawa hak pengguna tidak digunakan pada kontrak antara anda dengan pembangun ini.


Shopee Image Download Expert telah mendedahkan maklumat yang berikut tentang pengumpulan dan penggunaan data anda. Maklumat yang lebih terperinci boleh ditemukan dalam dasar privasi pembangun.

Shopee Image Download Expert mengendalikan data yang berikut:

Maklumat peribadi yang boleh dikenal pasti

Pembangun ini mengisytiharkan bahawa data anda

  • Tidak dijual kepada pihak ketiga, di luar kes penggunaan yang diluluskan
  • Tidak digunakan atau dipindahkan untuk tujuan yang tidak berkaitan dengan fungsi teras item
  • Tidak digunakan atau dipindahkan untuk menentukan kepercayaan kredit atau untuk tujuan pemberian pinjaman


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