Shein Review Data Scraper - Chrome web-trgovina
Slika logotipa stavke za Shein Review Data Scraper

Shein Review Data Scraper


7 ocjena

ProširenjeKupovanje334 korisnika
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 6
Minijatura videozapisa stavke
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 2
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 3
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 4
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 5
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 6
Minijatura videozapisa stavke
Minijatura videozapisa stavke
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 2
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 3
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 4
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 5
Snimka zaslona stavke medija 6


Dominate your Shein shopping with Shein Reviews Extractor. Extract user feedback, leverage AI analysis, and export data for a…

Shein Reviews Extractor is a browser extension that empowers you to harness the collective wisdom of Shein's vast user community. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly extract and analyze product reviews, unlocking invaluable insights to inform your purchasing decisions. Seamless Review Extraction This powerful extension allows you to extract reviews for any product on with unparalleled ease. Simply navigate to the desired product page, click the "Download Reviews" button, and let the extension work its magic. Within moments, you'll have access to a comprehensive dataset, including comment IDs, user names, ratings, comments, comment times, comment images, like numbers, goods IDs, order times, sizes, size statuses, colors, color IDs, SPUs, and scraping timestamps. Flexible Data Export Once the review extraction process is complete, you can effortlessly export the data in your preferred format – CSV, JSON, or XLSX (Excel) – for seamless integration with your existing workflows. Whether you're conducting in-depth analysis, generating reports, or sharing insights with colleagues, this extension ensures you have the data at your fingertips. AI-Powered Review Summary Elevate your review analysis with the cutting-edge AI Review Summary feature. With a single click, you can unlock a comprehensive summary of user reviews, including Advantages, Disadvantages, Improvement Suggestions, and a concise "To Buy or Not to Buy" recommendation. This powerful ChatGPT-driven analysis empowers you to quickly grasp the essence of user feedback, saving you valuable time and effort. Instant Results, Unparalleled Convenience The Shein Reviews Extractor extension is designed to deliver results with lightning-fast speed. As soon as you initiate the extraction process, the extension begins working tirelessly to gather the requested data. The duration of the extraction process varies based on the amount of information you need to retrieve, ensuring you receive comprehensive and up-to-date insights without unnecessary delays. Unlock the true potential of user reviews and elevate your decision-making process with Shein Reviews Extractor. Download this powerful extension today and experience the convenience of effortless review extraction and GPT-driven analysis. Data Privacy The data you work with remains confined to your local machine and does not traverse our servers at any point. Disclaimer This extension is an independently developed product by ExtensionsBox and has no association with Amazon, Inc.

3,9 od 57 ocjena

Google ne potvrđuje recenzije. Saznajte više o rezultatima i recenzijama.


  • Verzija
  • Ažurirano
    6. srpnja 2024.
  • Veličina
  • Jezici
    Jezici: 54
  • Razvojni programer
  • Netrgovac
    Ovaj razvojni programer nije se identificirao kao trgovac. Ako ste potrošač u Europskoj uniji, imajte na umu da se potrošačka prava ne primjenjuju na ugovore između vas i tog razvojnog programera.


Shein Review Data Scraper je otkrio sljedeće podatke o prikupljanju i upotrebi vaših podataka. Detaljnije informacije mogu se pročitati u pravilima o privatnosti tog razvojnog programera.

Shein Review Data Scraper obrađuje sljedeće:

Podaci koji otkrivaju identitet

Ovaj razvojni programer izjavljuje da se vaši podaci

  • ne prodaju se trećim stranama, osim u odobrenim scenarijima upotrebe
  • Ne koriste se i ne prenose u svrhe koje nisu povezane s osnovnom funkcijom artikla.
  • Ne koriste se i ne prenose radi utvrđivanja kreditne sposobnosti ili davanja zajmova.


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