Seznam úkolů - Internetový obchod Chrome
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Seznam úkolů


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Organizovaný seznam úkolů nebo seznam úkolů, aby byly všechny věci hotové.

Organize All Tasks with a TO DO LIST It's time to update and keep track of your daily tasks with the Best To Do List. On Chrome, this tool makes managing your routine and tasks a breeze. While marking off the items on your list, you can work and watch your task list in Chrome. What Is A To Do List? To Do List is a free tool that assists you in organizing your daily job. It's effortless to use because you can update and verify it on Chrome simultaneously. Simply clicking on the extension icon will bring up your task list, where you may add new activities, remove or tick those that have been done, and modify existing assignments. Hence, we designed this essential tool to assist you in staying organized and completing projects on time. Additionally, there are various options that you can utilize to organize your work. Simply install and click the icon in the toolbar to use the To-Do List. Features of To Do List Extension: >>> This tool makes it simple to add and remove tasks or objects. All new tasks will appear in a logical, sequential order. You will be able to keep track of your schedule in the simplest method imaginable. >>> Adding items to this To Do List is as simple as breathing. This tool is both free and straightforward to use. You can be reminded of all your tasks in your Chrome browser and check your task list. >>> You can make changes to any task you've entered. You can amend the task you entered if you want to change it. >>> Each task added to this list will have a check box next to it. Simply click the checkbox next to a task on the list to check it off. This extension will show you how many tasks you have completed at the bottom of the List. >>> The things that have been completed can be easily removed from this extension. There will be a cross at the end of each row. Therefore, you can simply click on the cross to delete that task. >>> This extension is entirely safe to use. There are no requirements for registration, and there are no restrictions on how you can use it. We respect your privacy and do not keep or use any of your To Do List information. How to use this To Do List Extension? >>> Install this extension by going to this website and clicking the "ADD TO CHROME" button. >>> Add the extension icon to your browser's toolbar. >>> Finally, click on the extension icon and start using the list to organize your tasks. Disclosure/Consent: By using To Do List, you accept our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This extension is designed to maintain high-quality service and manage server costs effectively. As part of our efforts to sustain our operations, we may earn affiliate commissions on purchases via our extension. Thank you for choosing To Do List. We are committed to continually improving your online experience.

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  • Verze
  • Aktualizováno
    2. května 2024
  • Autor
    Extension Master
  • Velikost
  • Jazyky
    Jazyky: 54
  • Vývojář
  • Neobchodnický subjekt
    Tento vývojář se neidentifikoval jako obchodník. Spotřebitele v Evropské unii upozorňujeme, že se na smlouvy mezi vámi a tímto vývojářem nevztahují spotřebitelská práva.

Ochrana soukromí

Vývojář uvedl, že nebude shromažďovat ani používat vaše údaje.

Vývojář deklaruje, že vaše údaje

  • Nebudou prodány třetím stranám, s výjimkou schválených případů
  • Nebudou použity nebo předány za účelem, který nesouvisí s hlavní funkci položky
  • Nebudou použity nebo předány pro potřeby určení úvěruschopnosti nebo za účelem poskytnutí půjčky


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