A tool to quickly check the position of multiple sites (yours and your competitors) given a keyword. Many countries are supported.
Version 1.2.2 Remove errors, status update. Version 1.2.1 Added google.tn, google.com.qa - updated FAQ Version 1.2 Small fix and version bump Version 1.1.5 added www.google.com.ar, www.google.cl, www.google.com.co, www.google.com.mx, www.google.com.pe, www.google.co.ve lastest seach query is highlighted fixed https sites slightly bigger fonts other internal fixes Version 1.1.4 small fix Version 1.1.3 Re-enabled full url tracking. Version 1.1.2 small fixes - added google.pt, google.ch, google.se, google.be, max number of results limited to 50 to prevent wrong results Version 1.1 upgraded to Extension with manifest V2 and follow all the Google security standards. Now I am able to work on all the received requested. Feel free to add more requests :-) Version 1.0.1 graphics fixes - downloadable quesries list - more reports filters - queries downloadable as .csv file Version 1.0 New sites manager - new reports area with graphs to visualize the keyword trend for each site - graphic updates. Version 0.9.6 Added google.com.vn, google.co.th and google.gr - added HTTPS permission to follow recent Google™ breaking changes Version 0.9.5 - Added the much requested PWS parameter to avoid personalised results. Version 0.9.3 - Fixed handling of quoted queries - Projects handling fixes - Data import form SEO SERP extension - Improved grid overview filtering - Site ranking based on chosen queries - Added google.co.il - Interface improvements - Many fixes To do: - Serp auto update - Alerts on ranking change - Improved export - Multi language interface - Bulk keywords