Displays all meta data and main SEO information for the best SEO
SEO META in 1 CLICK is a tool that displays all meta tags/data and main seo information clearly. By using this tool, we hope you can better manage and improve your SEO and visibility on Internet We focus on displaying: ✔ title and its length, ✔ description and its length, ✔ URL (and meta-canonical url too), ✔ meta-robots, ✔ displaying headers in order of their appearance in HTML (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6), ✔ number of images with and without ALT, ✔ the number of links (internal, unique, ...) ✔ Open Graph and twitter social data ✔ Robots.txt and sitemap.xml ✔ and much more... (See printscreens) You can also via ETERNAL TOOLS analyse your site and know how improve it (html, css, Google Rich Snippet, PageSpeed...)
- 除經核准的用途外,不會將你的資料販售給第三方
- 不會基於與商品核心功能無關的目的,使用或轉移資料
- 不會為了確認信用度或基於貸款目的,使用或轉移資料