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Nov 10, 2023

AirTable Deprecation of API keys

AirTable no longer allows user to make new API keys

1 ksdavidc ksdavidc

Jun 28, 2022

unable to " add table to page"

I was able to get it to work once, but realized I had added the wrong form to the options page, so I deleted the table from the options page (thinking that is what I should do), and now can't add any new "entries/forms". It briefly flashes the red delete form button, but this disappears and all I have is the plain page. I tried regenerating my key, reinstalling, restarting...stuck.

Diane Defores

Mar 10, 2021



I hope you are doing great
Thank you for this extension, I'll glady pay for it
Since today it's not working for me, I tried redo allsettings but I get an error
Do you get it too ?
I hope you can fix it
Have a great day

Tina N.

Aug 5, 2020

api authentication

i keep getting this error
"error": {
"message": "Authentication required"

can you pls send detailed instructions about how to authenticate with the api key from airtable? I tried to do so by following your instructions- but it's not working

Marcos Placona

Mar 21, 2020


Hi there, is there a way to concatenate two values? Like $site + " " $url. I tried a few different combinations to no success. Thanks

Jean-Philippe Encausse

Aug 31, 2019

Some Ideas

Thanks You ! I love AirTable and this extension is great !

Some ideas / questions:
- How can I strip from URL the tracking tags like : "utm_source=hackernewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=fav"
- Be able to add new tags from the extension (or at least be up-to-date) or be able to refresh the tab schemas

Stefano De Maco

Aug 22, 2019

can't configure

First of all, sorry I'm not a developer and i apologize for my req. but I cannot configure the estension. I have followed the instruction, but when I click on the icon while on a site, nothing happens.I have generated the Api, selcted the base, i can see it in the panel, but still it doesn't work. Can you plz help with adivce or hint?

Katherine Grant-Suttie

Aug 7, 2019

Contacts & Field Type Options not showing in Extension

The API configured and the extension is essentially working, but I have no option to enter in a 'contact name' or a different 'type' in the extension, both of which are fields in the airtable base. screenshots here. please advise. many thanks. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KP1NkbkzPw7D9sw05yBKaUtR4ko3a8gX

Artiom Dicov

Jun 20, 2019

Collaborators field

Hi, Could you please explain how can I send a collaborator object that contains collaborator details (ID, email, name) to fill in the Collaborators field type in a table?
This is required to identify the author of sent information in Airtable.

Corinna Kinard

Jun 12, 2019

Please create a video or two to demonstrate the setup

Thanks for building this extension.
The instructions are really hard to follow / decipher. Would you be able to create a brief video with examples?

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