Support: SearchBar
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456 ratings

ExtensionTools60,000 users

391 support issues

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Edmunds Melkers

Jul 22, 2024

Firefox version

Do you have a version for Firefox?

אור הושמנד

Jul 12, 2024

SearchBar Side Panel

I have a new idea, to allow SearchBar to run in a side panel.


Jun 25, 2024



Lee Schwartz

Jun 24, 2024

How to add Chat GTP to search bar...

Hi Jason,

I love your extension. Is there a way to add Chat GPT to search bar? I tried the automatic way, which did not work, and also trying it manually by searching "test" and replacing it with %s at the site below, but there was no search term to replace with %s in the URL after trying that test search. Please let me know.


Mark Evans

Apr 6, 2024


I occasionally get frustrated with Brave's glitches and find myself tempted to switch to Safari as my main browser. But I am so dependent on SearchBar that I can't make that move. Have you considered creating a version of the extension fo Safari? Or does one already exist, perhaps under a different name?

Joe Ben Moshe

Mar 10, 2024

Searchbar does not popup

As of yesterday, in most tabs in my Chrome Seasrchbar does nor react when I click F4 or I click with the mouse the little magnyfying glasses in Chroms tool bar. This a new phenomenon. Few tabs still work ( for example...) I hesitate to uninstall and reinstall because I have invested a lot of work in customising it and I work wit the additional searches intensively. If is reinstall I have to start from scratch (Unless it is possible to save my settings). Please Help. I am an addicted user :)


Jan 14, 2024

Will not search

Lately when I copy text on a google site and paste into searchbar app the app will not let me search. I have to go to a different page and then it will search.


Jan 1, 2024

Search term not clearing

When I search for a term on, say, 3 different sites via SearchBar, the term in the search box does not clear.
I.e., after I go to several other sites *without* using SearchBar, the contents in the search box are still there.
What setting have I got wrong?

Harry S. Anchan

Dec 28, 2023

On the menu bar next to the address bar

Please allow the window to be incorporated into the meu bar to the right of the address bar, much like Firefox. Thanks.

Mark Evans

Dec 2, 2023

Occasional malfunction

Quite often lately the Searchbar won't let me search for the highlighted phrase. When I click on a button, nothing happens. If I reload the page and then highlight the same phrase, Searchbar functions normally. Until recently this has never been a problem. Now it seems to happen frequently. Is there a solution?

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