Screen Recorder - Magazinul web Chrome
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Screen Recorder


14 evaluări

ExtensieAccesibilitate5.000 de utilizatori
Captură de ecran a elementului media 2
Captură de ecran a elementului media 1
Captură de ecran a elementului media 2
Captură de ecran a elementului media 1
Captură de ecran a elementului media 1
Captură de ecran a elementului media 2

Prezentare generală

Screen recording for active tab. Record screen in mp4 and download for free. Screen capture, screenshot

Screen recording is a recent digital technology that allows users to capture video and audio from their computer screens. It has become increasingly popular due to its ability to capture videos or images from a variety of sources, including websites, applications, and games. Screen recording is used in a variety of applications, from creating instructional videos and tutorials to capturing a game’s progress or taking screenshots of a website to highlight a new feature. Screen recording is a simple process. The user first needs to select the screen area they would like to capture. This can be done with mouse clicks or through a recording software program. Once the area is selected, the user can begin recording by pressing a button or using a keyboard shortcut. The recording will then capture the audio and video from the designated area, which the user can then save or share with others. Screen recording can be used in a variety of settings. For example, in the classroom, teachers can record instructions for students to watch later. It can also be used to create instructional videos for employees, or to capture a video game’s progress for a review. Additionally, screen recording can be used to take screenshots of websites to show off new features.

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  • Versiune
  • Data ultimei actualizări
    22 martie 2023
  • Oferit de
    Gold Soft
  • Dimensiune
  • Limbi
    54 limbi
  • Dezvoltator
  • Non-comerciant
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