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Scientific Calculator, Unit Converter

42 ratings


3.4 out of 5

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NEXVSJan 11, 2020

The Sine, Tangent, and Cosine didn't even work. And I couldn't use the powers and radicals for an equation because they did not work correctly.

9 out of 11 found this helpful
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Commander KlagMay 6, 2018

This is not a caculator app. ITS THE FUTURE OF COMPUTERS. You only need a connection. They will do the rest so you dont need to.

16 out of 23 found this helpful
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Saifur RahmanMay 30, 2017

Very helpful to organize handy data......

11 out of 23 found this helpful
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Ian BellApr 9, 2017

Useless. No log10

12 out of 20 found this helpful
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Red “The Red Spectre” HarrisonSep 13, 2016

its confusing...

4 out of 5 found this helpful
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Lorin MulderAug 12, 2016

Lasted about 30 seconds before deleting.Basicly just a unit converter.

9 out of 14 found this helpful
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Dewansh ThawariMar 1, 2015

so good

7 out of 13 found this helpful
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CinisNov 13, 2013

"Easy To Use" No, I couldn't figure this out at all. Doubt it could solve equations anyway...

9 out of 13 found this helpful
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CS JamesOct 1, 2013


5 out of 6 found this helpful
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Jeff VinsonSep 28, 2013

not like normal scientific calculator

10 out of 14 found this helpful
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