15 support issues
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Fabrizio De Cesare
Nov 26, 2019
Calcolo dell'h-index in un periodo definito
Come si fa ad impostare un arco temporale definito in cui calcolare l'h-index? Se si può fare, il risultato tiene conto SOLO delle citazioni degli articoli pubblicati nell'arco temporale indicato o anche degli articoli precedenti? Nel secondo caso, si può impostare il calcolo SOLO sugli articoli del periodo di interesse? Grazie
Oct 8, 2019
Stopped working
Apparently works no longer in Chrome 77. What can I do? this extension is essential for me!
Paul Poupet
Sep 25, 2019
Not working
Not displaying anything on chrome
A Chrome Web Store user
Oct 9, 2017
Pluge in not working
The plug in will not work with a secure https url and Chrome will not take me to a http site no matter how I alter the settings. Any work arounds?
A Chrome Web Store user
Oct 6, 2017
Plugin broken in Chrome 61?
With the plugin enabled, a row of text appears on google scholar:
EditDeleteExportBibTeXEndNoteRefManCSVLabelsLabel as:Create newManage labelsApply
but these aren't valid links, and aren't formatted correctly.
Peter Schüller
May 23, 2017
problems with Umlauts / UTF8
Hello GB. :)
Names with Umlauts are not showing the Umlauts.
For example the following list of publications citing one of my publications systematically miss the "ü" in my name. If I open it without the plugin, the ü is nicely displayed.
Peter (Schüller)
Ramachandra Hosmane
Feb 14, 2016
scholar h-index
It says scholar h-index added to Google Chrome. But I could not find it anywhere in Google Chrome. And I have no idea where to start. Please tell me how to use this application after it has already been added. I have spent 3 hours trying to find out with no success!
Ram Hosmane (E-mail: Ram.Hosmane@gmail.com)
Fabio Stefanini
Jan 26, 2016
google scholar mi ha bloccato
Ho provato a calcolare l'h index per tutti i risultati di una query. Ora il mio accesso a Google Scholar, evidentemente perché è stato notato un accesso ai dati tramite script. Come posso risolvere il problema?
Daniel Lidar
Jan 7, 2016
Does this still work?
Just installed it but I don't see any effect. Running IOS 10.11.2.
Amit Lakhani
Nov 13, 2015
CAPTHCA detection
Add a feature that alerts when Google needs CAPTCHA so a result doesn't get stuck in the middle of gathering statistics