Sauce for Strava™ - Chrome Web Store
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Sauce for Strava™

95 Bewertungen

ErweiterungUnterhaltung30.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot
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Videominiaturansicht des Artikels
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Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
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Elementmedien – 6-Screenshot
Videominiaturansicht des Artikels
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Videominiaturansicht des Artikels
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 6-Screenshot


Zusätzliche Funktionalität für Ihre Rad- und Laufanalyse. Diese Erweiterung aktualisiert die Strava™-Website.

The Sauce extension supplements with better cycling and running information. It's a simple, lightweight and pure client-side javascript addition. There are no external API calls made with this extension and it is open source. Feature Highlights: * Peak performance table: * Power * Normalized Power * Heart Rate * Pace * Grade Adjusted Pace * VAM (climbing speed) * Export any activity to a TCX or GPX file * Running Power estimation * Analysis page stats are extended to include: * Elapsed power average, normalized power, moving power average and watts/kg. * Grade adjusted pace * TSS * Intensity Factory * VAM * Elevation gain/loss * Raw data and graph views * Weight and FTP overrides for all athletes * Inline comments system for activity page * Dashboard features: * Chronological ordering * Hide virtual activities (except your own) * Hide promotions and challenges Release Notes: v5.0.0: * Multi category peak effort chart: * Power, NP, VAM, HR, Pace, GAP * Settable peak effort ranges: time periods and distances (Advanced Options). * Upgraded algo for power data. * Upgraded analysis view that works in all locales. * Kilojoule field * Moving vs elapsed time stats. * Improved placement on page. * Running power (watts) estimate **[BETA]**. * Raw data views; CSV table and graphs. * Kilojoules in analysis view. * Updated algo for VAM calculations (smoothing). * Rank badges for analysis selections. * Support for HiDPI graphs. v4.3.0: * TCX and GPX export **[BETA]**. v4.1.0: * Beta support for VAM (vertical ascent meters / hour). v4.0.0: * Critical power calculations now support irregular recording intervals (non 1 sample / second). * Fixes to running pace calculations. * Add elevation stats to critical power and best pace dialogs. * Add cadence stat to critical power and best pace dialogs. * Support auto closing dialogs when clicking away from them. * Much needed code cleanup. * Add name information to Advanced menu's FTP overrides table. v3.2.0: * Show average pace in running "Best Pace" chart instead of elapsed time. * Use kilometer based pace for metric loving athletes. v3.0.0: * Activity Feed Filtering (click the sauce bottle to change): * Show/hide virtual runs and rides (e.g. Zwift) * Show/hide promotions * Show/hide challenges * World Ranking badges for segments v2.0.0: * Running support. v1.2.0: * Fixes for several loading glitches. * Smoother FTP override handling; Added clearing support. * Fix for ranking badges when gender is unspecified. * Style and tooltip additions to better explain critical power. v1.1.0: * Fix analysis view's inline comments to accommodate site changes. * Minor style tweak for analysis view. v1.0.0: * Fix for updated strava comment data structure * Improved device compatibility of critical power analysis v0.1.0: * Heartrate stats in Critical Power table * Promise of reasonable stability v0.0.7: * Normalized power for selections in Analysis tab. v0.0.6: * Inline comments Disclaimer: I don't work for Strava nor have I interacted with any persons from Strava in the writing of this extension. All the information used in this extension is readily available within the website.

4,7 von 595 Bewertungen

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eine super Ergänzung und wirkt auch nicht überladen! danke dafür :-)

1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich


  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    15. November 2023
  • Funktionen
    Bietet In-App-Käufe
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    5 Sprachen
  • Entwickler
  • Kein Händler
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