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Tom Marshall

Sep 28, 2022

Not seeing desktop notifications

Hello, I'm no longer seeing any desktop notifications when the timer expires. I remember I used to be able to in the past (haven't used the extension in a few years). I checked the "optional settings" and show desktop notifications is enabled. Any idea what the issue could be? Thanks.


Dec 11, 2021

is there option to manually sort the tasks in runtimers

i genrally put in 10 task which i work on , so i wish to sort them mannualy is it possible

Ann Let Me Help

Nov 16, 2018

Just stops working.

I really REALLY like your extension. It does everything I need it to do. Or it did. It becomes unresponsive after while, twice. I can input my information but it will not allow me to add another timer. I think I have had as many as 5 timers at one time. But now I have 3 timers, and it will not let me add another.

I've already deleted the extension and loaded it again...and I lost all my information I included in round one. It seems I will have to do that once again.

Please fix. I don't want to give you a bad review so I won't but this was supposed to save me time, instead it does the opposite.

Good luck. Hopefully, I can use this again in the near future.

A Chrome Web Store user

Nov 15, 2018

your extension

this extension was marked as corrupted by chrome - i chose not to repair it but remove it however i have removed it 5 times in the past two days - please tell me how to delete it forever

Bill Who

Mar 20, 2015


runTimers has `Copy description`

Would you consider making it also copy the time?
Essentially making it a `Duplicate`.

Bill Who

Jan 30, 2015

sort by running

Would it be possible to sort the timer list such that the RUNNING timers are at the top?

Bill Who

Dec 14, 2014

daily at time

acer c720 chromebook
chrome 39.0.2171.94
runTimers 0.5.2

Is there a way to set a timer for everyday at 9 pm?

I tried setting the time and
then deleting the date such that "mm/dd/yyyy" was showing.
I got a timer that immediately expired.

Some possible ideas:

12/00/2014 everyday in December 2014
00/00/2014 everyday in 2014
00/00/0000 everyday forever


The "Reset" button would restart the timer to the next day at the preset time.

Bill Who

Dec 14, 2014

stop expired timer

acer c720 chromebook
chrome 39.0.2171.94
runTimers 0.5.2

When a timer has expired and is showing a 'Post time'
The 'Pause/Run' button is disabled
To stop a timer it is necessary to 'Reset' then select 'Pause/Run'

Bill Who

Dec 5, 2014

Remaining disappears

chrome 39.0.2171.94
runTimers 0.5.0

start a timer,
both Elapsed and Remaining show,

go to Closed or About,
then back to Main,
Remaining is gone!

Bill Who

Nov 21, 2014

manual notification dismiss

Thank you for adding the manual notification dismiss.

It is great to click the notification icon and be taken to runTimers settings.

Would it be possible to add a button to the notification to reset and restart the timer?

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