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RSS Subscription Extension (by Google)


3.5K ratings


4.0 out of 5

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ERTM MediasMay 23, 2024

It was fine but under unknown reason stopped.

8 out of 8 found this helpful
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Jorge Calderon - Piano EnthusiastFeb 12, 2024

At first I thought this app was a scam since pressing the icon while on a site with a feed wasn’t getting me anything. None of the menu options let you obtain the URL of the page's RSS Feed. In order to enable it you need to the following: Click on the icon > “This can read and change site data” > “when you click the extension” Now to get the URL to the feed, just right-click on the provided hyperlink and select “Copy Link Address”. Now I can paste it into my Windows-based Feed Aggregator (... Show more

13 out of 16 found this helpful
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FalcJan 20, 2024

Doesn't work fine. For many websites, the extention icon is colored/active, but no feed displayed when clicking on it

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Paul JacksonSep 9, 2023

Does the job, I'd prefer if it wouldn't redirect to the chrome-extension://... URL thought. Also, this causes a bug, I have a feed with images like <img src="//"> and they don't load, because the url scheme is missing and the extension page is chrome-extension://....

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Oleg KJul 4, 2023

horrible UX

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Laurie PeekMar 26, 2023

Doesn't work.

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Sorin SbarneaJan 25, 2023

Sadly "by Google" become notorious to be abandonware and a reason to avoid.

12 out of 12 found this helpful
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Christopher RawlingsOct 22, 2022

Doesn't work anymore. Seems Google is no longer maintaining this. Shame.

12 out of 13 found this helpful
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MikeJul 26, 2022

Just a shoddy pile of links to other services. Not a good way to manage feeds.

2 out of 3 found this helpful
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Judy RalstonApr 13, 2022

This isn't really a review as much as a question. I've had the RSS feed for years on IE as a drop down menu but I can't seem to get that on Chrome or Edge. I do not like the full page RSS and want my drop down back now that IE is no longer supported. Any ideas please.

1 person found this review to be helpful
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