Logobild des Artikels für RSS Feed Reader

RSS Feed Reader


7120 Bewertungen

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Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot


Get a simple overview of your RSS and Atom feeds in the toolbar

Keep up with everything you care about in one place with Feeder (www.feeder.co). Feeder is the RSS reader and news manager that tracks any online source you choose and bundles it into an easy-to-digest reading experience. Have any questions? We're always listening at support@feeder.co The best RSS Feed Reader extension for Chrome. - Instantaneously see when new posts are added to one of your RSS and Atom feeds - Easily subscribe to new RSS/Atom feeds by clicking the browser icon - Intuitively manage your feeds - Right click context-menus in popup-menu let you mark all as read, reload feeds, and other nifty shortcuts - Export your feeds so you can import them on another computer and/or keep them as backups for safekeeping - Customize your feeds by choosing how many posts to display, or changing the title - Organize your feeds using folders and sorting with drag and drop - Choose between two different themes: Dark or Light - Everything is contained within the browser so no other third-party sites are needed - Notifications when feeds have been updated. Enable globally or on select feeds - Supports both RSS and Atom feeds - See when a page has any RSS or Atom feeds to subscribe to - Sound notifications - Mobile apps Collect and organize content like a Pro, subscribe to Feeder Plus or Professional (more information on feeder.co) - 1 minute updates - Filters, rules and collections If you have any feedback, bugs or issues, we're always listening on our support channel: support@feeder.co. If any RSS or Atom feeds don't work please report it to us. Brought to you by Really Simple AB from Stockholm, Sweden, the RSS Feed Reader team. Have fun with RSS and Atom! Changelog: V8.0.1 through V8.0.19 Fixes bugs and inconsistencies from the previous major release. The goal of V8 is to be compatible with Chrome's Manifest V3 changes. This required a complete rewrite of the codebase. In the process we tweaked the interface to be slightly easier to read, and also adds more customisation options. If things you relied on previously don't work anymore, please let us know at support@feeder.co. We're listening! V8.0.0 This version is a complete rewrite to support new latest Manifest V3 platform. Includes a polished new interface! Everything is exactly where you expect it, just a little bigger and easier to read. Have feedback? We're listening at support@feeder.co V7.9.0 - New RSS feed subscription page. Beautiful new design, custom reader options and more. - New options for the post list - Images and a short excerpt. V7.8.3 - Add a menu option to quickly add new feeds - Fix bug causing middle-click queue to not open new tabs V7.8.2 - Attempt fixes with settings not being saved properly - Fix issue with listing posts in the correct order V7.8.1 - Migrator bug fixes V7.8.0 - This releases changes the local database use for storing feeds for no-account users. A migration might need to happen which can cause the extension to be unresponsive for some time. If you have any questions please contact us at support@feeder.co You can read old release notes here: https://feeder.co/help/extension/release-notes-for-extension/ Thanks for reading this far!

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    2. Dezember 2024
  • Größe
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  • Entwickler
    Really Simple i Stockholm AB
    Ringvägen 158 Stockholm 116 31 SE
    +46 73 579 64 09
  • Händler
    Dieser Entwickler hat sich als Händler gemäß der Definition der Europäischen Union deklariert.
  • D-U-N-S-Nummer


RSS Feed Reader hat folgende Informationen hinsichtlich der Erhebung und Nutzung deiner Daten offengelegt. Weitere Details findest du in der Datenschutzerklärung des Entwicklers.

RSS Feed Reader verarbeitet Folgendes:

Personenidentifizierbare Informationen
Finanzdaten und Zahlungsinformationen

Dieser Entwickler erklärt, dass deine Daten

  • nicht an Dritte verkauft werden, außer in den genehmigten Anwendungsfällen
  • nicht für Zwecke genutzt oder übertragen werden, die nichts mit der Hauptfunktionalität des Artikels zu tun haben
  • nicht zur Ermittlung der Kreditwürdigkeit oder für Darlehenszwecke verwendet oder übertragen werden



Easy to RSS


Retreive RSS feeds URLs from WebSite, RSSHub supported

Get RSS Feed URL


Retreive RSS feeds URLs from Website

Slick RSS by users


Ein voll ausgestatteter RSS-Reader, der vollständig im Browser enthalten ist.

Inoreader: Read-later and RSS extension


Save articles for later and keep up with your favorite feeds. Discover, preview, and follow RSS feeds while organizing your content.

Erweiterung "RSS-Abonnement" (von Google)


Abonnieren Sie Feeds mit einem Klick auf Ihre Toolbar.

RSS Finder


Lists RSS and Atom feeds available on the current web page.



Advanced Feed Reader - Read news & blogs or any RSS/Atom/RDF source.

The RSS Aggregator


RIP Opera

RSS Reader


RSS Feed Reader

Feedly Mini


Easily add content to your Feedly while browsing

RSS Feed Reader


Feedo - The best RSS Feed Reader extension for Chrome. A simple and best method for staying informed of your most recent RSS feeds

Smart RSS


RSS Reader

Easy to RSS


Retreive RSS feeds URLs from WebSite, RSSHub supported

Get RSS Feed URL


Retreive RSS feeds URLs from Website

Slick RSS by users


Ein voll ausgestatteter RSS-Reader, der vollständig im Browser enthalten ist.

Inoreader: Read-later and RSS extension


Save articles for later and keep up with your favorite feeds. Discover, preview, and follow RSS feeds while organizing your content.

Erweiterung "RSS-Abonnement" (von Google)


Abonnieren Sie Feeds mit einem Klick auf Ihre Toolbar.

RSS Finder


Lists RSS and Atom feeds available on the current web page.



Advanced Feed Reader - Read news & blogs or any RSS/Atom/RDF source.

The RSS Aggregator


RIP Opera
