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This extension auto-detects RSS feeds on the page you are reading and upon finding one will display an RSS icon in the Omnibox, allowing you to click on it to preview the feed content and subscribe. The extension comes with 2 feed readers predefined (Bloglines and My Yahoo) but also allows you to add any web-based feed reader of your choice to the list. What's new in version 2.2.2? + Doesn't run in the background all the time, only when in use. + Updated to not use a soon-to-be-deprecated API. What's new in version 2.2.1? + Removed Google Reader and iGoogle from the list of default feed readers. What's new in version 2.1? + This extension is now available in over 40 languages. + If you see localization problems, let us know: http://crbug.com/37233 Changelist: + Navigating to feed pages directly now takes you to the subscription page (instead of showing XML). + Found a feed where this doesn't happen? Let us know: http://crbug.com/32967 + Added an Options page for configuring feed readers. + Added an option to skip the feed preview page when subscribing. + Added a link to the preview page for those wanting to copy the direct feed link (look for the [ Feed ] link in the blue bar). + Added support for multiple feeds per page. + When will this be added to Chrome? Star this bug: http://crbug.com/33181 to keep track.
- 버전2.2.9
- 업데이트됨2024년 7월 4일
- 제공rss-subscription-extension-owners@google.com
- 크기153KiB
- 언어언어 41개
- 개발자
finnur@google.com - 비판매자판매자로 식별되지 않은 개발자입니다. 유럽 연합에 거주하는 소비자의 경우, 이 개발자와 체결한 계약에 대해서는 소비자 권리가 적용되지 않을 수 있음을 유의해야 합니다.
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- 항목의 핵심 기능과 관련 없는 목적으로 사용하거나 전송하지 않음
- 신용도 판단 또는 대출 목적으로 사용하거나 전송하지 않음