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Jan 9, 2023


The Row highlights do not show up on Read & Unread UNLESS the cursor is "hover" over the row. It used to show all the time. - Any thoughts on this - or is this the only way it now works. Thank you.

A Khwaja

Mar 9, 2018

Unread Colours

I am unable to see colors for read and unread messages. I tried to use options to change colors but it does not work. Hover row highlights work.


Jul 20, 2017

New Permissions are suspect!

why the hell do you need to extend the reach of this extension with "read and change data for contacts, inbox, and mail"?

Whilst this is a great extension I'm removing it because of this change, and I'll wait for another row highlighter or for you to undo your latest overreach.

Dean Shwed

Jul 6, 2017

New Permissions???

As much as I like your extension. I really don't like the fact you need to read and change my data for contacts and inbox.

This seems completely unnecessary and highly suspicious.

david obront

Jul 6, 2017


why did you expand permissions???

Russell Warren

Jul 5, 2017

Why the new permissions?

Why does this extension now need the ability to read and change data for contacts, inbox, and mail? This seems highly unnecessary for a row highlighter.

Pasquale Cangiano

Apr 3, 2016

How the hell do you change the colors?

I can not find where you change the colors ! Also like everyone else I would like the keyboard control to react like mouse hover that would make this way more useful


Oct 8, 2015

Stylish Scripts

This extension doesn't work if there are any stylish scripts used.

A Chrome Web Store user

Jun 5, 2014

Interaction with keyboard controls

Currently, the highlighting is specific to the mouse pointer. I often use keyboard controls in gmail; therefore, I would appreciate an enhancement where the row on which the keyboard controlled marker is on gets highlighted.


Sep 14, 2013

highlight isn't working

how do I get this to work in my google apps account? Thanks.


Google apps