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Roblox Enhancer

95 ratings


7 support issues

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ABM 2P- dwayne beltran-yu

Aug 21, 2023

leave roblox groups faster

maybe add a button that enables you to leave multiple groups?

bird angry

Feb 27, 2023

Anti-Age Restriction

I accidentally set my age as 2018. Is there anyway to prevent that. I cant even join a private server unless it is owned by a friend. Please try and do something that can prevent the age restrictions. You can yourself add a special verification so that some kid doesnt try to abuse the extension.

Alex Harris

Oct 9, 2022


whenever you open chrome, the extensions sends a notification and there is no way to turn this off. could you add an option to turn this off please?


Aug 5, 2022

how to open your exploiting thing

how do i open it im confused

Ellie :D

May 26, 2022


It would be great if you could add a feature to find out WHEN you became friends with someone, like the date??

Jackson W

Jul 28, 2021

Favorite games.

Add a feature to where you can select the games you want to unfavorite, then just unfavorite them all, its annoying to have to go and sort every single game you favorited.

mohammed salim

Dec 14, 2020


Could you add a feature to tell you when you friended someone? That would be very helpful

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