Remove History - Delete Cookies - Chrome веб-продавница
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Remove History - Delete Cookies


288 оцена

ДодатакПриступачност100.000 корисници
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана


The Cleaner effortlessly erases temporary files, clears cookies and removes history from Chrome Browser, ensuring your privacy is…

The most fast and powerful The Cleaner Extension in the Chrome Store! The Cleaner lets you clear all unnecessary data from Chrome as easy as one click. Protect your privacy, delete all activity and fasten your browser with The Cleaner extension for Chrome. Extension lets you clear most of temporary browser information effectively just with one click and protect your privacy, delete all activity from your browser and many more: -clean browser history, cache, cookies, downloads, website storage and passwords -clean all your browser data at once or separately -button for quick access to memory and DNS info in extension menu -open extension’s folder and incognito tab with a button from menu It's never been easier to erase browsers data. Clear temporary data, cookies, download and browsing history effectively just with one click. Adding a floating button “Clear All” on each page allows you to do that. Protect your privacy and delete all activity from your browser with Ccleaner. Few key features: + Instant removal with one-click + View, Edit, Backup and Clear browser history + Clear download history + Empty the temporary files + Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data + Clear saved passwords + Clear saved form data + Ability to choose time period + Light \ Dark mode for every time of day Click "add extension" button to add Cleaner and clean the browser temporary data without any efforts . Is your browser Slow? Clean up browsing data and make your browser even faster and Protect your privacy! My browser is getting too slow. What can I do? The problem with all the browsers, whether it’s internet explorer or Chromium based browser, is that they become slow and clunky after a period of time. They take time to start up to, to load websites and to open and close tabs. This is when one should consider cleaning up the browser and getting rid of the temporary data, history etc. Notes: * Please, be aware that super history & cache cleaner extension The Cleaner will delete only chrome history, but will not interfere with your google history (your search history on To deal with your google search history you should go to your account in the search engine itself and deal with the google history from there) * If you delete cookies, you'll be signed out from most current sites (don't select "clear cookies" if you don't want to log-in again every time you use the cleaner)

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  • Верзија
  • Ажурирано
    7. април 2024.
  • Нуди
    Clean Chrome
  • Величина
  • Језици
    54 језика
  • Програмер
  • Није трговац
    Овај програмер се није идентификовао као трговац. Потрошачи у Европској унији треба да имају на уму да се права потрошача не примењују на уговоре између њих и овог програмера.


Програмер је открио да ово неће прикупљати нити користити ваше податке.

Овај програмер изјављује да се ваши подаци

  • не продају трећим странама, осим у оквиру одобрених случајева коришћења
  • не користе и не преносе у сврхе које нису повезане са основном функцијом ставке
  • не користе и не преносе ради утврђивања кредитне способности или давања зајма
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