Item logo image for redd.AT - an [A]wesome [T]heme for reddit

redd.AT - an [A]wesome [T]heme for reddit

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Raiden Roy

Jan 30, 2016

Plz add a nightmode

You are about to read some bad English. and I am really sorry about it. I am not a native English speaker.

First of all i want to thank you for making a good theme but can you plz make nightmode bugfree i just installed your extension but the night mode is not so good plz fix it thanxx

Quentin Hardenne

Mar 12, 2015

Adding an option to enable subreddit flairs.


I've been using it for a while now and it's really great I just love the way it looks.

So how are you progressing on it? and i've thought you could add an option to enable flair as I visit some subs where flair is used to denote important stuff.

Well thank you and I wish ya the best

Quentin Hardenne

Feb 16, 2015

Adding option, or puting the subreddit under a post's name

Well i'd like to suggest a way that the posted in /r/subreddit thingy is right under the name.

why? well I have some similar subreddits, and also monitor some, having that visible makes it easy to know what it references or where it comes from.

Also is handy to see misposted things.

Hope you understand, maybe make it a setting, but it would be very handy for me to not have to always hover over a post and look at the far edge of my screen to see it.

Sander Lenaerts

Feb 15, 2015

My subreddits - thin font

When I click on my subreddits the font-weight is very low. In my opinion it should be a little thicker because it is not very readable at the moment


Feb 14, 2015

Subreddits with blue backgrounds

Subreddits with blue backgrounds mean thatthe subreddit shortcuts are hard to see.

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