Easily source candidates and import data from various networks
Recruitee Talent Sourcing for Chrome makes your talent acquisition even more effective! We provide recruiters a simple and easy way to source promising candidates from sites including Xing, Dribbble, StackExchange and GitHub to your positions on Recruitee. It's simple. Just browse to a user profile on a supported service, click the Recruitee icon in the top right, and you'll have the opportunity to import (source) their profile information on one or more of your job positions in Recruitee. Learn about more features and signup for an 18-day free trial: www.recruitee.com Features: - Tag candidates while sourcing - Import candidates with one click - Parse data into candidate profiles - Access right away in Recruitee - Detect duplicate profiles - Move candidates to jobs or talent pools Learn about more features from www.recruitee.com, email us at support@recruitee.com or learn more on https://support.recruitee.com
- Version2.8.7
- UpdatedDecember 10, 2024
- Offered byRecruitee
- Size346KiB
- Languages6 languages
- DeveloperRecruitee B.V.
Keizersgracht 313 Amsterdam 1016 EE NLEmail
support@recruitee.com - TraderThis developer has identified itself as a trader per the definition from the European Union.
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