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Real Flight Simulator Game

17 hinnangut

LaiendusMängud20 000 kasutajad
Meediaüksuse ekraanipilt 3
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Meediaüksuse ekraanipilt 3
Meediaüksuse ekraanipilt 1
Meediaüksuse ekraanipilt 1
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Meediaüksuse ekraanipilt 3


Selles realistlikus lennukisimulaatori mängus peate maanduma määratud aladele ilma õnnetuseta.

Do you like airplane games! Discover that you are the best pilot in this crazy flight simulation game and start the fun. In aircraft games and plane jet simulators, players must complete more than nine missions as a pilot. Because the plane is challenging to control, you must carefully lift and help it glide through the air. Airplane crash and plane pilot simulator players will have mission unsuccess if their plane crashes into buildings or crashes into the sea. Most pilots never want to fail, so you must complete these plane game missions carefully. Airplane jet and plane simulator players should lift the front part of the plane into the air and take the plane higher when they come to rough mountains or obstacles after taking off. To the task area Explosion effects have been added to make the aircraft game more realistic. At the same time, plane flying and aero plane players will explode their planes if they make tough landings while landing their planes in their mission areas. It would help if you focused on slowly lowering the plane to the ground. If Airplane simulator players lose control of their plane and crash it into the sea, the mission will fail, and the plane will explode. That's why it's usually necessary not to fly above the ground in airplane games. Plane simulator and airplane flight players are designed with all the details so that they can feel like real pilot. Thanks to these details, it has become possible for you to enjoy the airplane game more. While performing aircraft missions, switching to other missions is impossible before the first missions are completed. For this reason, aero plane games and airplane flight players should proceed by unlocking all the locks starting from the first mission. You must adjust the engine power well in this airplane game and make the ascent properly. As a result of cutting the engine power suddenly, the plane will crash to the ground quickly. In airplane crash games, aeroplane players need to make a slow landing by adequately adjusting the engine level while landing their planes at the airport. After landing the plane, the next level will be unlocked. How To Play Played with Mouse. Real Flight Simulator Game Features ✓ 10+ Level ✓ 3D Airplane ✓ Realistic physics ✓ Basic control ✓ 3D Environment Finally, you can enjoy these game for free (and more requests will be added)! Real Flight Simulator Game extension does not contain any hidden ads. Help and Contact Contact with us at and share your thoughts and problems.

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  • Versioon
  • Värskendatud
    9. oktoober 2023
  • Suurus
  • Keeled
    44 keelt
  • Arendaja
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