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ReadSpeaker® TextAid for Chrome

37 ratings


7 support issues

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Deborah Moran

Apr 8, 2024

Web reader not working

I have used Readspeaker for years and usually don't use webreader. However, I need to use it and everytime I open it on the webpage, it looks like I can use it and then it changes and jumps straight over to needing to log in again. I log in, remove it as an extension and re add it as an extension. The same problem keeps happening, it never used to do this. I really need to use the webreader section as my uni textbooks are not pdf at the moment. I pay monthly and it costs a lot of money as I am in Australia and our dollar is no good. Please help me use this as I am paying for it.
Thanks D

Patrick Hargitt

Oct 21, 2022

Text to speech speed and languages

I have been looking for a new text to speech tool and it looks this is a stable solution. However, there are two short comings and wanted to know if I am missing something:
1. Ability to speak at more than 2x speed. I usually listen at around 2.5x to 3.5x.
2. Ability to read Greek - Greek voice and translation (I live in Greece, but have limited Greek language knowledge so this will help greatly)


Tom Wijmans

Dec 4, 2020

Extentie blijft vragen om in te loggen op TextAid account

Als ik de extentie wil gebruiken, blijft deze aangeven dat ik deze extentie alleen kan gebruiken als ik ben ingelogd op mijn TextAid account. Zelfs als ik text selecteer van de omgeving van mijn textAid account, wil de extentie dat ik inlog, terwijl ik dat al lang ben.
Eerst werkte het goed, maar toen ik mijn proefperiode verlengde door naar een betaalde account te gaan, werkt het niet meer. Ik heb de extentie al opnieuw geinstalleerd, zelfs compleet mijn laptop gereboot, maar niets helpt.

Luna Nelson

Oct 3, 2020

Nothing happens

Was pointed to this extension from the canvas website for my school. Running the chrome extension on my chromebook. Nothing happens when I click on the extension to use it. Nothing pops up at all. Is there something else I am supposed to be doing??

Cas de Jager

Feb 7, 2020

Proberen inloggen

Als ik probeer in te loggen dan zegt het programma dat het niet kan en dat ik niet ben ingelogd ben

Echnaton Der Gehörnte

Jan 7, 2020

Es funktioniert einfach nicht ! Ich bin angemeldet !

Es funktioniert einfach nicht ! Ich bin angemeldet ! Warum ist so etwas einfaches so kompliziert ???

A Chrome Web Store user

Apr 25, 2018

Authorization Issue

Message Reads: "You need either be logged in to Chrome browser with a user allowed for this extension or be logged in to TextAid."

We are logged in to both.

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