Reading Race 1a: CVC word LITE - Internetový obchod Chrome
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Reading Race 1a: CVC word LITE

Médium položky 5 – snímka obrazovky
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Médium položky 2 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 3 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 4 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 5 – snímka obrazovky
Miniatúra videa položky
Miniatúra videa položky
Médium položky 2 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 3 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 4 – snímka obrazovky
Médium položky 5 – snímka obrazovky


Reading Race 1a: CVC words is the first in the four-game ‘Reading Race’ series of reading apps from PLD Literacy & Learning.

Reading Race 1a: CVC words is the first in the four-game ‘Reading Race’ series of reading apps from PLD Literacy & Learning. This fun educational game app was designed for children between the ages of 4 and 6. CVC words or consonant-vowel-consonant words are simple three-letter words such as mat, dog and sit. Note: This is the ‘lite’ version which includes full access to the first level, while other levels are locked. Due to limitations with the Chrome Web Store, we’re not currently able to offer in-app purchases to unlock subsequent levels, however when Google add this functionality, we will update the app so you can unlock subsequent levels or purchase the full version. This game gives children an opportunity to start sounding out simple CVC words in a sequential, intuitive synthetic phonics manner. Children will get practice sounding out words of increasing length and complexity as they progress through the game, which emphasises phonetic sounds and alphabet sounds instead of letter names. While playing Reading Race, children will also gain experience with sight words and spelling. What is PLD Literacy & Learning? PLD Literacy & Learning specialises in educational materials for children between the ages of 4 to 7 years. Our published learning materials have been used both in the home and in schools for years. Today, PLD Literacy & Learning is in the process of developing apps for mobile devices including phones and tablets across multiple platforms. Reading Race is the latest set of apps from PLD Literacy & Learning, designed to make reading and literacy learning fun and engaging for little ones. The series of Reading Race apps were designed by the highly-regarded Australian speech pathologist, Diana Rigg, to ensure optimal efficacy. If you're in search of a fun and dynamic way to teach your children (or students) the fundamentals, it's time to discover the four Reading Race apps from PLD Literacy & Learning!

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  • Aktualizované
    11. mája 2016
  • Od vývojára
    PLD Literacy and Learning
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    Jazyky: 39
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