32 support issues

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Şaban Can Kurt

May 13, 2024

Unusual activity has been detected from your device. Try again later. (8834b453c87250ff-IS

Unusual activity has been detected from your device. Try again later. (8834b453c87250ff-IST)

Charles Trn

Mar 24, 2024

error 404

There was a problem with your chat request. Please use a different browser or try again later.

Mitchell Whiting

Nov 24, 2023

web page reading

hey just an fyi it looks like the extension has stall iam not sure if it's due to a changed AIP or possibly just the sight iam using but i did cross check with other previously functional sights and its no longer working

Albert Nigrin

Oct 30, 2023

Using ChatGPT 4.0 when sending through the api

I am using ReaderGPT through with my secret API key. I also have ChatGPT 4.0 available in the playground. Is there any way to force ReaderGPT to use version 4.0 rather than 3.5.1?

Stefan & Marie LLP

Oct 29, 2023

Translation problem with an isolated page

Hello, great extension, I love it and use it daily.
Let me report a curious problem. Having found an interesting article, I wanted to summarize and translate it as I usually do. After several days of error messages, I finally installed a competing extension, which unfortunately gave me an unusable result because it was too short. However, I assumed that if there was a quota problem, ReaderGPT would work again. In fact, on the other pages I've summarized, ReaderGPT works perfectly. Only with https://www.helix.com/blog/game-of-thrones-genetics is it impossible to get a summary in French with the prompt "Summarise in french. Summarise the following article in bullet points:"
Curious, isn't it?

Piato Albert

Oct 28, 2023

cant use by API

Hello, Cant use by API, it shows:You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.

Antoine Seevagen

Aug 29, 2023

Le résumé change de langue

J'ai installé Reader GPT sur mon navigateur Brave (Chrome) depuis quelques semaines.
Au début il a bien fonctionné avec des résumés en français, puis les résumés sont passés en anglais et je n'ai eu pas pu trouver l'endroit où paramétrer le langage.
À ce sujet je vous ai adressé un mail courant août pour lequel je n'ai jamais eu de réponse.
Aujourd'hui je renouvelle ma demande pour que ce problème soit résolu.
Meilleures salutations

Antoine Seevagen

Aug 12, 2023

Pas d'accès à l'application - message d'erreur

J'ai installé Reader GPT sur mon navigateur Brave (Chrome). Il a fonctionné correctement pendant quelques semaines et là, depuis une semaine impossible de l'utiliser.
J'ai le message d'erreur suivant : «Your authentication token has expired. Please try signing in again. »
Je n'ai aucune idée ni aucune instruction pour savoir comment faire cette authentification. Merci de m'indiquer la marche à suivre.

Sean Xu

Jul 20, 2023

can it support azure api?

or it can be open-sourced?

Greg Sanders

Jul 10, 2023


Hi, now that the GPT 4 API is released, if I filled in my API Key, will you use the GPT-4 model by default? How can I know which model is used?

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