Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader - Chrome Web Store
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Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader

3044 Bewertungen

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Read aloud the current web-page article with one click, using text to speech (TTS). Supports 40+ languages.

Read Aloud uses text-to-speech (TTS) technology to convert webpage text to audio. It works on a variety of websites, including news sites, blogs, fan fiction, publications, textbooks, school and class websites, and online university course materials. Read Aloud allows you to select from a variety of text-to-speech voices, including those provided natively by the browser, as well as by text-to-speech cloud service providers such as Google Wavenet, Amazon Polly, IBM Watson, and Microsoft. Some of the cloud-based voices may require additional in-app purchase to enable. Read Aloud can read PDF, Google Docs, Google Play books, Amazon Kindle, and EPUB (via the excellent EPUBReader extension from Read Aloud is intended for users who prefer to listen to content instead of reading, those with dyslexia or other learning disabilities, and children learning to read. To use Read Aloud, navigate to the web page you want to read, then click the Read Aloud icon on the Chrome menu. In addition, the shortcut keys ALT-P, ALT-O, ALT-Comma, and ALT-Period can be used to Play/Pause, Stop, Rewind, and Forward. You may also select the text you want to read before activating the extension. Right clicking on the selected text will provide you with yet another option to activate Read Aloud via the context menu. To change the voice, reading speed, pitch, or enable text highlighting, go to the Options page either by right clicking on the Read Aloud icon and choose Options, or by clicking the Gear button on the extension popup (you'll need to stop playback to see the Gear button). Read Aloud is an open-source project. If you wish to contribute bug fixes or translations, please visit the GitHub page at

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Eveline Ioannidis21.11.2023

Überspringt sehr oft einfach 2 Zeilen, dadurch nur eingeschränkt verwendbar.

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Sabrina Ergert13.02.2023

Meiner Meinung nach der Beste Text-to-Speech Voice Reader. Gelungen finde ich die Implementierung der weiblichen Stimme von Google translate. Dafür das diese Extension kostenlos ist es bewundernswerterweise ein sehr professionelles Programm. Eine Sache ist schade das man nicht eine ganzen pack von anderen stimmen als Erweiterung hierfür verkauft wird bei Amazon. Trotzdem gibt es fünf Sterne von mir weil das Programm professionell ist obwohl kostenlos, wegen der Einfachheit der Bedienung und w... Mehr anzeigen

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Axel Brepohl20.10.2022

Schade! Es bricht immer ab nach kurzer Zeit ab. Das macht es unbrauchbar.

2 von 2 fanden diese Rezension hilfreich


  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    21. Mai 2024
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    9 Sprachen
  • Entwickler
    158 Magellan Ave San Jose, CA 95116 US
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