Re-introduce google maps links to search page
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Re-introduce google maps links to search page


78 ocen

RozszerzenieFunkcje i interfejs7 000 użytkownicy
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Zrzut ekranu 4 multimediów dotyczących produktu


Readds google maps link to the search page and makes map thumbnail clickable.

Code of this extension is open source, you can see it here: Supported views: - address maps - google places maps - country maps - small map thumbnail on the right side (part of gallery) This functionality has been removed by default for European Union countries ( All domains are supported. FOR OPERA USERS: You need to go to your extension settings in Opera, find this extension and tick the "Allow access to search page results" then refresh the page. ----- Changelog: 1.0.9 - Add support for more complex domains such as and - Move 'Open in maps' button to the right so that the UI does not jump causing accidental unintended clicks for some users - Add safety nets to avoid displaying an extra redundant 'open in maps' button for domains where google provided the button themselves - Improve styling ------ 1.0.8 - Improve design of the extension 'open in maps' button in top navigation - Make sure only one 'open in maps' button is displayed regardless of google UI variant currently active (this fixes issues with double navigation screens such as google images) ------ 1.0.6 - Align "Open in Maps" button design with google search page design, improve usability - Fix a bug where media articles using the same UI container as country maps UI would cause "Open in Maps" to be displayed when unnecessary. - Code cleanup ------ 1.0.5 - Updated extension description, removed redundant inline image to reduce extension size - Fixed an issue where specific map thumbnail UI variant would not be clickable ------ 1.0.4 - Delayed script execution until UI is loaded to avoid issues - Added basic support for Google's A/B testing UI changes so that both round buttons and tab navigation is supported - Added icons for extension ------ 1.0.3 Add missing support for google addresses, google countries and google places map UI. ------ 1.0.2 Extension will now work on non .com domains (i.e, etc)

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    3 maja 2024
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