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Aug 6, 2023
RapidFlash Dead?
Is RapidFlash no longer working on Google Chrome?
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Leo van Miert
Jul 28, 2019
can't select port for usbasp
Hi, I installed the WinUSB driver with Zadig, Zadig sees the usbasp, but when i go into rapidflash I cannot select a port for the Usbasp to program.
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Russ Barrow
Mar 14, 2018
USBASP High Fuse error
I am attempting to program a 30A HK UBEC (F-30A) with the USBASP. I am able to connect to the Atmel chip, but when trying to read the chip, I am getting an error: High Fuse Incompatible with Boot Loader.
Any ideas
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A Chrome Web Store user
Nov 24, 2016
Is there any form of documentation available on how to use this?? where can i find a user manual/read me/instructions/connection diagram/how to/wiki/help/tutorial/guideline/ maybe just a video? anything that could help me on my way?
Ive got a quadcopter with RW RC 20A SimonK esc (says label) and the multistar elite 2205 2300kv motors used to run nicely on them when i had the system operating on a cc3d FC (openpilot -> librepilot) and a cc3d mini (librepilot-> dRonin). Now i switched the FC to SP racing F3 and the motors are running all wack regardless of what i try in Cleanfight. The F3 documentation tells me that i would be required to flash my ECS's, is this the tool i'd need for that? and can it be done wihtout the special programmer cable i read about? (have a bunch of arduino nano/micro, would that be an alternative? and how to set up?)
Thanks a lot
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A Chrome Web Store user
Jan 7, 2016
flashing a smart phone
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Aurelio Avanzi
Nov 17, 2015
Enabling programming mode failed
I'm trying to set up an ESC HK Blue Series 12A by USBasp, and get the message below, the Simonk firmeware already the ESC was usually done with the kkflashtool on the same computer.
20:02:46 -- Requesting firmware 20:02:46 -- Firmware received 20:02:46 -- Enabling programming mode failed
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Richard Huish
Oct 2, 2015
Failed to contact compile server
Currently getting this message. "Failed to contact compile server" Can you please check everything is ok?
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Sep 27, 2015
Mac OS and BLHeli
Can you make an app that will flash BLHeli using a Mac computer running Google Chrome? I'd buy the app. There are a lot of Mac users out there and BLHeli Is now very, very popular if you have a quad running a Naze32 or similar board. Thanks.
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Tor Skurdal
Sep 11, 2015
Dys 20 a
I want to flash my DYS20A with SimonK firmware using Arduino Nano.
Is the "Arduino USB Linker" the correct programmer in RapidFlash?
Is the dys_nfet the correct firmware to use?
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Aug 3, 2015
ZTW Spider ESC's and External Clock fuse settings?
Can you tel me when I use RapidFlash on ZTW Spider ESC's if the fuses wil be set for using the external oscillator or not?
These ESC's have an 16MHz external oscillator on the pcb and I like to now for shure if the fuses are enabled for it?
The file used for these ESC's is: BS_N-FET
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