3 support issues

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elizabeth rothschild

Jul 28, 2016

android is a widget not humanoid

this is my account not for sale not for anynew developers when the invitation was extended it was also withdrawn after the account was compromised so the person that is tearing and ripping it apart with socket codes through github are being sued

elizabeth rothschild

Jul 28, 2016

all platform needs hardware

then attach phinishing touches someone hacked the cloud under a developer identity or account number that was not authorized by google developers it was unsealed by the president how did this become a public platform? the google position was a way to hire a professional crew azure is a medical hazmat hear not a hardware or platform

Aileen Betina Mahs

Jun 17, 2016

Entering Password in the phone app

I tried logging in so many times in the phone app but it keeps on saying that either the email or password is incorrect. I even tried to log out and sign in again on the desktop or online with the same password and username and it opened online but it seems that the app on the phone won't accept it.

Google apps