QR Code Generator - Chrome Web Store
Logotypbild för objektet QR Code Generator

QR Code Generator


4,3 tn betyg

TilläggArbetsflöde och planering500 000 användare
Media för objektet: 5 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 6 skärmbild
Objektets videominiatyr
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 3 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 4 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 5 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 6 skärmbild
Objektets videominiatyr
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild
Objektets videominiatyr
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 3 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 4 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 5 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 6 skärmbild


En super praktisk QR-kod Generator / Skapare för dig.

This extension converts your current URL or anything into a QR Code immediately. It's a very handy QR Code generator for you! It's the highest-rated QRCode Generator / QRCode Reader Chrome extension! Features: - Generate QR Code for your current page with just one click. - Scan (analyze/decode/read) QR Codes: just right-click on QR Code images. - Turn any of your input into QR Code. - Select any text on page, then right-click to create related QR Code. - QRCode color and size customization. - Available to download the QR Code as an image. - Pure "div-rendering" to make the QR Code super clear for you. - Hotkey support (turned off by default and customizable). - Context menu support: Quickly convert any content/links or even your current page to a QR Code. - Works offline. - Advanced settings to turn off the context menus. Updated on Apr 15, 2019: - Fixed QR Code reader bug (some CJK characters might mess up) Updated on Apr 5, 2019: - As requested, download image now has size as suffix. For instance: exported_qrcode_image_350.png. - Add "Runs offline" badge. Updated on Mar 25, 2019: - Fixed a bug that the QRCode scanner(reader) is not showing up after restarting Chrome. Updated on Mar 17, 2019: - Added QR Scanner(reader) feature as you demanded. - Fixed the bug that QR code image size wrongly reset to 20px. - Added an option to turn off the context menus if you don't like them. Updated on Mar 7, 2019: - Fixed a bug that may cause the size of your download image unchangeable. - Added a Donation button. Thanks for supporting. Updated on Dec 8, 2018: - Up to 7 languages support Updated on Dec 6, 2018: - Added 2 languages support Updated on Dec 2, 2018: - Using "activeTab" to replace "tab" permission. There will be NO "read your browser history" any more :) Updated on Jan 15, 2018: - v6.11 Fixed some small bugs. Updated on Dec 11, 2017: - v6.1 Now you can copy the image directly without downloading it. Updated on Oct 2, 2017: - Retired the "default hotkey" feature - now you can customize it on your own. Just one click from the "settings". - ADDED ContextMenu feature - now you can "Quick QR" any stuff with two simple right clicks. Updated on Jun 15, 2017: - Auto focus after popup showed up so you can type directly whatever you want to turn into a QR code - Now you can use ALT+Q to open the QR Popup - If you want to change to your own shortcut, please go to chrome://extensions/configureCommands Updated on Jun 13, 2017: - Fixed an annoying bug that the popup window might get blocked when clicking on the icon. Updated on Jun 2, 2017: - Now you can enter more than one lines in the textarea instead of a single line in a textfield. Hope you enjoy it. Updated on May 5, 2017: - Fixed a bug that the "Save image" feature is not working correctly after making modifications to the QR code. Updated on Apr 6, 2017: - Automatically updates the QR code when you typing, or hitting "Enter". Updated on Feb 25, 2017: - Access the options in the popup (get what you need on the fly). - Fixed the bug that image can't be transparent. Updated on Jan 14, 2017: - Support transparent background (when you download the image). - Support customized colors and size. - You can have them in the Options (Right click on the icon and click "Options" to access). Updated on Jan 11, 2017: - Added retina-display rendering support. Updated on Jan 1, 2017: - Redesign the layout and buttons. - Fixed small bugs.

4,9 av 54,3 tn betyg

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Patrick Afsén6 mars 2024

Funkar hela tiden! Lysande.

1 person tyckte att den här recensionen var användbar
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Robert Macht6 okt. 2022


Recensentens profilbild

Leo Johannesen26 juli 2022

Håller på att prova den, än så länge fungerar det hur bra som helst.


  • Version
  • Uppdaterat
    23 mars 2024
  • Storlek
  • Språk
    54 språk
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