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Pulse Secure

4,000 users

32 support issues

For additional help, check out the developer's support site.

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Kathryn Riel

Jan 30, 2025


What is this app? I didn't download it.

Hiram Gagaggaga

Apr 19, 2024



Tim Randell

Aug 9, 2023

Ivanti Secure Access Client for ChromeOS

When will you have an update for Chromebooks available?

Andy Bernegger

Jul 27, 2022

Please provide an updated version of the native Chrome OS VPN-Extension

'Chrome OS flex' does not offer access to the Android Play Store. So all these users need a native ChromeOS VPN-extension.
Please provide an actual 22.x version from Ivanti for these systems.

Michelle Walker

Jun 10, 2022


i was unable to download the app on my chromebook.

Chris Florek

Sep 17, 2020


I've been moving from my Home office more and more, using my chromebook rather than my work PC. I'm getting the error: HC-AV-FW, so I believe it's a problem with my Anti-virus. I installed 'Malwarebytes' but it still shows the same error. Can you recommend a Chromebook anti-virus that is whitelisted for Pulse and will remediate this issue?

Jill Manfield

Nov 20, 2019

Dell ChromeOS R77, R78 beta, R79 dev

I am unable to connect using Pulse Secure with Dell 5300 2N1 lattitude laptop. When I try via wifi or lan I receive error no socket found or mismatch vertificate. I tried toggling to the chrome:/flags and turning off TLS 1.3 and unsecuring things but nothing helped. Is this version not supported with the newer intel 9560 cards? If so, when will they be?

Brian Spoelhof

Feb 25, 2019

Not Working

Getting a certificate error due to chrome no longer recognizing legacy Symantec even though I have marked the site as safe in chromeOS. It would be nice if it can use the chrome settings.

A Chrome Web Store user

Jan 11, 2019

No longer working

Tried to use the app on my Chromebook under two different profiles and it just hangs each time I try to connect, worked a couple of weeks ago.

James Tibbs

Aug 8, 2018

new phone not showing app

Need app to show on phone to work with a client

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